
I want to buy her a drink.

Your joke is even funnier in Kelvin.

When I melt pot in butter, I usually call it pot butter.

Don't you ever start. Stay here, stay here in that land of No Candy Crush as long as you can. For the love of god, cherish it! You have to cherish it.

That is my strategy. Some of these levels are so easy. Then you get one of these shitty evil ones. But either way, I'm in deep. What is sad is that on the train, 2/3rds of the blue line passengers are also in deep. Reminds me of that Star Trek TNG episode with Ashley Judd and that game that was used for mind


End all sentences with "Go Hawks." Impression complete.

Bennett sounds nothing like Wilson. How gullible was this hostess?

Jezebel would be a better place if there were more Tim Curry gifs. Your post has convinced me.

You guys are fucking adorable. tussles hair Have fun at the game!

We are appalled by the 49ers' endorsement of unsportsmanlike conduct by the fans, juiced on noise, which surely creates as big an advantage over an opponent as any performance enhancing drug and which, to their shame, NFL officials turn the same blind eye they have to concussions and drugs.

We assume by 'know your queues' they are referring on how to properly line up and leave the stadium at the end of the third quarter when the score is 34-6.

I hope a same-sex couple invites Tebow to their wedding.

Fuck that shit.
-Vernon Davis

I really wanted to take that article seriously. I gave it a real chance.

1/5 of the writing is an interesting point that Black Friday is criticized in some circles while the Super Bowl is just as much a moneyfest and not as criticized by the mass media, muddled by 4/5 pseudo-academic writing and irrelevant comparisons that don't support the initial point.

Responsible journalism, on the other hand, has been dead for some time.

If you are not naked you are not streaking. You're just running.

Or you could just be a bit more secure in yourself and not give a fuck what some random cashier thinks of your purchases? Good god this is dumb.

If you don't get in the truck, you're "not doing your job". Do not get promoted, work environment gets worse, perhaps even get fired. If you complain about your coworker in the truck, you're "not a team player" or "can't take a joke". Do not get promoted, work environment gets worse, perhaps even get fired. Then, if