This is also #HowSeattleRiots
This is also #HowSeattleRiots
Word! I'm rooting for the Hawks all the way- but thanks for not hating and here's to a good game
Want to try that again Doug?
+1 billion.
man this is so effed up but so true- Literally the last 6 guys who have broken up with me have tried to scapegoat my work schedule instead of owning their own insecurities.
My all time fav. for showing friends is this one.
It's so true. Sob.
There it is.
The prices are unlikely to drop in this enrollment period- they may be lower for the next one as companies get a sense of the effect of ACA
I was going to post exactly this. Get out of my brain.
This team breaks my heart, and as a fan who has been calling the front office exactly these things for years- why would I stop now.
I've seen better more passionate renditions of "Edelweiss" sung by a bratty spoiled 10 year old.
GO Hawks
12's don't need queues
We have a roast of some sort- except for the year where I was out of the country for Thanksgiving and didn't get Turkey so at Christmas I begged and begged for turkey because Thanksgiving is my favorite meal of the year.
As feminist, and woman who LOVES football, this is the kind of garbage that makes people think they hate feminists. Not to mention terrible writing that only serves to further promote gender myths: Football is only for men, women cook and clean and do all the holiday shopping- men would never have anything to do with…
Day= Made
Cleaver Girl.
I went to school with a Krystal Lear, her middle name was Shanda
Isn't this kinna storytelling 101? Whether it's Mary Poppins' "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down." or Thornton Wilder's "Here's some scenery for people who like scenery." If the audience can't relate to the rules you have established you are never going to get them to settle in long enough to get to the…