This should be a flow chart.
This should be a flow chart.
Oh Swoon!
If I marry a man who's wardrobe consists of this on weekends and summer holidays and a well tailored simple suit for week days I will die happy.
it's been a shitty day- I'm finding this to be really cathartic right now
Yay- on a typical day I couldn't be less interested in this guy- but as stated by several others; the bearda combined with this suit, damn, suddenly I'm all about bending it with Beckham.
You left out the ricin letters- fuck that
How did this end with him in jail? they could have just asked him to turn it inside out and not wear it to school as they reviewed school policy- I don't think it's inherently violent though I see how it could be construed as such- but the school overreacted.
Please tell me this is an April Fools joke-
It is. Until the pill- for vast majority of the world, biology was destiny.
nonononononononono I really didn't need that
Nancy Drew meets Buffy (minus the supernatural) and just a hint of the sass of Castle.
You do have my permission- if you want a source- is my advocacy page.
What offends me is the implication that to avoid rape I should carry a gun. We can do better than this- I'm not arguing to end the 2nd amendment by any means: but the right to bear arms is VERY different from mandating that we all carry them. Or in this case implying that in-order to be safe I must arm myself, I don't…
Imagine the city you live in- now imagine the city right next door- yeah that one, bordering on industrial park with development consisting only of strip malls from 30 years ago. Now picture that said neighboring city is populated by people slightly more conservative and less cultured than those in your city, people…
no in NYC the first step she should take is call 311. Then there is a LEGAL paper trail and perhaps a little help getting out of there.
she is my hero.
ugh I have super mixed feelings about this. In theory, this could be hilarious, and many of these guys are total tools. Sure, I love the visual play off of Anne Taintor, but the self mocking reclaim our femininity and embrace our real selves charm is lacking from this blog.
Amazon Payment accounts (at least when I signed up), while linked to you normal Amazon account, require a whole sign up and authentication process- much like paypal of verifying your bank account etc. it's kind of a pain.
Ugh- let's not give them free airtime. Let them protest, awful, I know. Let an army of people block their protests with a wall of love, or not if the families of those children ask otherwise. Let's stop giving these people what they want.
crazy right?
funny that, considering for years the conventional "wisdom" for rape victims was, "don't fight it will be over more quickly" eff that