
Thank you, Hinchy.

Why are they giving us a truncated final season?

Best episode of the season. Sorry to see Angel go, but loved his exit.

Good bye, Tekserve. You will be missed.

Ha, I just went through that, courtesy of this very same site. I foolishly clicked on on a link for a thing called Liquid A**, which turned out to be something for practical jokers of limited mental capacity. The very next day I was horrified to find my Amazon home page festooned with all manner of artificial human

What? Nothing about Quigley Down Under? How could you? I loved that movie too!

Dolphins. First we liked them because they were like us. Now we hate them because they are like us.

There was never a way this thing was not going to be terrible.

Rest in Peace? More like stake through the heart, burn the body and salt the bones!

I can't agree with this.

By a factor of 10, at least.

Waaaay too much, you innocent.

This is not something I want to see happen.

Leave Wig alone!

Personally, I like Gus. Mainly because of the unceremonious way he booked it when that mysterious giant black box started a-rattling. He displayed the everyday common sense often missing in horror movie protagonists. It was refreshing.

Very sad news. RIP

Ugh, SyFy. The chances of this being any good at all are minimal. I plan to avoid all mention of it and forget in fact that it exists at all.

I'm here to say one thing and one thing only…this was GREAT. Congratulations and thanks to all involved.

This is more than a "bit" of revenge!

Came here to say just exactly that.