
Dead link on the video Saturday before 9 a.m. Wow, that was quick. Does evil ever sleep?

I mostly agree with you here, but I'm not sure I could call his wife's last comments "a few harsh words." She was practically nuclear. A rational person would have been more than justified in asking for a divorce on the spot.

Bite your tongue. Best not to give anyone in Hollywood ideas.

I love Public Enemies and will defend it to the death. (But hopefully Manhattan Melodrama won't be the film I see before that event.)

As we see, that would be too much to ask for.

Watching Claire and Emma battle it out, I'm put in mind of the slogan for Alien VS Predator: "Whoever Wins, We Lose."

I appreciate you telling some of us what the heck the joke was. It is funny, although I mostly try to forget the latter days of Dexter.

I hoped this was a joke. I plan to exercise discipline and refrain.

Ha! These fake movie posters are amazing! I'm bookmarking this page for design inspiration.

Free David Sims! Find him another show and give the this job to someone with a sense of humor. No one should suffer so much over a TV show that is so patently ridiculous.

Never will get over Jo and Laurie.

Let me just say here, "I love this show!"

I can't express how disappointed I am that you didn't ask him about The Thing. I may cry.

Also remember Fallen. "Very good of this kind" is how I would have characterized it myself. For some reason, it's hasn't turned up very often on television.

Great, thanks, now I have to go and re-watch Titanic.

Ha, ha! We never do.

Okay, that's hilarious. Also kind of hot.

Ugh, did somebody roll the clock back to 1958 when I wasn't looking? Because it is not okay to cast non-Native Americans in Native American roles.

At this point, I'm sure Will knows subconsciously something is wrong with Hannibal, he just isn't willing to admit it to himself. But Hannibal's elk is running through his dreams and he can't sit down to dinner…

I'm assuming at this point that Will hasn't partaken. The egg scramble I would judge innocent, since I don't think Hannibal is wasting his delicacies on people he doesn't know yet. Where would be the fun in that?