OMG, this tshirt must be mine.
OMG, this tshirt must be mine.
Just wanted to chime in and say HELL YES to your point about the depiction of LGBT issues. And also to say that Alex Vause is the hottest thing I've seen on TV in a very long time.
Your timing is impeccable - I just finished watching the finale half an hour ago. I freaking LOVED this series. So many amazing female characters played by amazing female actors, with such great, nuanced stories.
I miss Kotaku Melodic. *sniff*
Been thinking of picking up Monaco since it's 33% off. Are there/have there been better deals on it out there?
I was actually kind of hoping that someone would come in at the end and say "you all look like idiots", and then the family would pause, consider, and say "you're right, screw this" and pull out regular controllers instead. That's pretty much how I feel about the motion gaming crap that's been happening ever since…
THANK YOU for this. It is very much appreciated.
I would suggest that "everyone in the LGBT community" has about as much responsibility for this incident as all men are to blame when one guy does something sexist. Which is to say, can we try not to make such broad generalizations about groups of people? Not everyone in the LGBT community thinks alike, you may be…
Everyone is going on about exclusives, but for me the PS4 will be the platform of choice for the non-exclusives since, you know, I can lend them to friends and stuff without crazy DRM hassle. At this point I see no reason to buy a multiplatform game on XBox One.
As someone who owns every major console from this generation (and am therefore not a fanboy or predisposed not to like Microsoft consoles), I'm seeing very little reason so far to get an Xbox One.
It's interesting that this article focuses completely on mobile gaming as competition for consoles, and makes no mention of Steam and PC gaming. I'm buying most of my major releases on PC these days and playing on my TV with a controller via Steam Big Picture. The graphics are nicer, and AAA games tend to be a bit…
Just FYI, I bought Private Eye #1 and then I *did* get an email from Panel Syndicate telling me that #2 was out. So maybe you just opted out of receiving emails or something when you bought #1? I also love love love that it's translated into Spanish and Catalan (though my Catalan is hella rusty).
Wow, I cannot WAIT for this. LTTP is one of my favorite games of all time. I still remember playing it for the first time on my SNES. So epic!
After viewing the images, it seems like what this actually comes down to is that the images in question show erect penises. For some reason, in the US you can show things like breasts and flaccid penises that are not involved in intercourse, and you can also show the act of sex as long as you actually can't see…
Not exactly overwhelming news, but since it's free I'm willing to give it a try. Not going to spend a cent on it though - Blizzard has already taken enough of my money over the years.
I'm probably one of very few people who's excited that it's available in Catalan as well as English and Spanish... :P
I think it's kind of...odd that you would assume I am straight and have no gay friends, and could therefore use that as an analogy to prove a point about sexism. Especially since your assumption was wrong on several counts. And also that you took a statement made in an article that I didn't even comment on and…
I'm not sure what the first part of your reply has to do with the second part, so I'll reply to them separately. Firstly, I don't think that asking for more representation/inclusion/acceptance of women in gaming/the gaming industry is the same thing as calling people sexist. But many people read a sentence like "I…
Thanks for this post, Stephen. It's funny how the only time Patricia gets attacked for being a "shitty reporter" is when she posts about women and gaming. Note to readers, "shitty reporting" is not the same as "holding a viewpoint you don't like".
Just FYI, I'm not Patricia, just a Kotaku commenter. But thanks for your reply. ;)