
I don't know what you found when you googled my username, but that high school student is not me - more than one person uses this handle on the internet, you may be shocked to learn. I'm 35, I live in NYC (Brooklyn, as it turns out), I work for a legal services nonprofit, and I've been an avid gamer since I was 9

Yes, I am, because there is plenty of data out there that shows that more and more women are gaming. The latest ESA survey, reported on this site and elsewhere, showed that 47% of gamers are women. So your "plain common sense assumption" is exactly that, an assumption, not a fact.

Cite your source for this info?

You misunderstand - I meant that many males get really mad whenever the issue of sexism is brought up, because to them, it's not an issue. It's easy for some men to say that they don't think sexism is an issue, but there are others of us that feel differently. I don't think this SONY press conference is the biggest

Thanks for being one of the few people willing to have a civil discussion about this. I think it's difficult to know how to confront things like racism and sexism without things turning into a huge screaming fight, but they're important conversations that need to be had.

Thank you. I really wish more commenters would stop and think about this before posting knee-jerk reactions.

I do not think that women's participation and representation in the gaming industry is a fabricated issue, and the lack of women in SONY's presentation is a symptom of that ongoing issue. Other people may not think that it's an issue, and may be fine with the fact that the video game industry is mostly white and

I would actually love to play a game where you could knock people over regardless of gender. But thanks for assuming you'd know how "people like me" would react. We women, we all have the same predictable, exasperating opinions, amirite?

I think we have a long way to go before we have gender equality (or racial equality, or sexual orientation equality, etc) in our society, and the video game industry and entertainment industry at large is a reflection of that. I don't think SONY was actively discriminating against anyone with their presentation, but

I actually *do* think it's an issue, and I think it's just as big of an issue that many male gamers get really, really mad every time it's brought up. Video games are a part of the entertainment industry in our society just like movies and music and TV, and if it's appropriate to talk about race and sex and gender

+1 Maybe we need a "Kotaku Boys' Club" for the people who still want to pretend that only men play video games.

My god, what a simple solution! How did we not think of this earlier? Now I'm sure that no woman will ever be unwillingly viewed as a sexual object ever again!

How is asking for more representation of women in the gaming industry not "letting you be yourself"?

As a female reader of Kotaku, the most depressing part of this site is the comments on articles like this. The number of male gamers that get intensely angry whenever this subject gets brought up shows just how far we have to go before women are actually accepted in the gaming community. Women are supposed to never,

I have a similar problem - the kinds of complex games that my gf and I like are way too complex for most of my friends, who prefer playing things like Apples to Apples. Alas!

Aww man, I was psyched about the Newegg 3DS XL deal, but they're out of stock in both colors. :(

My girlfriend and I logged on at 7pm eastern and had a blast getting my monk/her demon hunter up to level 14 and nearly the end of Act I. It was around 11:30pm, after about 4.5 hours playing, that the servers fell down and couldn't get up. Yes, it's kind of crappy that there are so many server issues and that a

I'm so glad to see all the commenters here who love Kotaku Melodic! It's easily my most favorite of all of the Kotaku blocks. I also have to agree with those who say that they don't find Kotaku East to be that interesting - I tend to skim all of the article titles each day, but rarely does one actually interest me