
Yeah I could never hate on the prequals because of the great memories I have watching them! I actually got really excited for re-watching them last weekend.

I was 9 when I first saw it, I loved it. It was as much of a kiddie movie as Lucas knew how to make. The nostalgia factor, Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor are the reasons I keep including it in my rewatches.

Everyone knows Darth Vader is Lukes father. I had a friend watch it chronologically and she was freaked out when Anakin was named as Vader. That was a plot point she did not expect going in.

I love the prequals! I was 9 when they came out! I will never forget crying during episode 1 when qui -gon died or my massive crush on Obi-Wan! The podrace was exciting for me!

I watched them in chronological order with my friend who never seen them but she kinda knew who Darth Vader was from pop culture. She at least knew he was the bad guy and was Lukes father. The twist she didnt know was that Anakin, the good guy she had been watching would become Darth Vader. Lets just say episode 3 was