
Tommy and Moria are two people who are not coming back to Arrow.

If it was the freedom Gundam I would move to Japan to see it daily. I haven’t watched Unicorn yet but SEED was my favorite thing on tv as a kid. The original Freedom is my favorite gundam of all time. Wing zero comes close in second. I would have also loved if they put up exia or 00. This whole thing makes me want to

The search for Will Skywal... Turner has begun!

Lucas has said that the balance of the force has nothing to do with the number of Sith and Jedi.

Yeah but the prequel dialogue was a bit beyond corny to just bad. I mean Anakin and Padme’s who conversation about how they couldn’t be in love in 2 is unwatchably bad. There are a ton of lines that should have been cut completely.

I actually would not have Christensen on the list, he was horrible in 2 but considering his dialogue it’s not surprising. He was much better in 3 due to not having forced unromantic stalkerish things to say. I thought he played the villian much better than the good guy too, which is probably why he was cast in the

If only someone had helped Lucas with the dialogue in the prequels. I will forever say that dialogue is the number one thing wrong with them.

Vader was training in the dark side between 3 and 4. This spot could be a location of training and meditation.

When Anakin and Obi-Wan fought on Mustafar in 3 the structures were shielded from the planet with shields like those used on ships. I assume this castle is similarly shielded.

I took it as them titling new planets. We’ve seen Mustafar before, I knew exactly what it was without needint a title. It’s much more ominuous when you realize where Vader lives yourself than being told with a subtitle. I think that is why the filmaker chose that. I didn’t even realize we saw Courscant though, where

I did the same thing!!!!

The Ghost also has a habit of “Ghosting” out of tight situations. ;)

Yeah but Her Father seemed to be more focused on Ryloth than the galaxy wide rebellion. And I have a feelign Cham might actually die sometime in Rebels.

I have a theory that at this point Kanan and Ezra are gone and Hera is not only at this battle but gets away. The Ghost has a habbit of vanishing in tight scrapes.

I loved Jyn and Cassian, at the end I was just wishing they would make it out but after it ended I knew ending was just perfect. They didn’t need to survive, their story was over and it was a nice way to wrap up the film.

That might be the first horror/thriller I would actually watch!

Star Wars is in good hands. Especially since JJ Abrams isn’t doing any more films. I liked 7 but there were a few Abramsy things I didn’t like about it and whenever Abrams gave an interview I just felt like he didn’t fully understand Star Wars.

I understand what you mean now, if the movies had been more focused on something other than that it would have been more engaging and there was a lot they could have done.

I loved the world building, it’s part of the reason I still love the films. Theres a lot of love about them. I disagree about the material. The Clone Wars managed to be awesome with 9 seasons of material planned out, I think Lucas had a vague idea of what he wanted when he started episode 1 and the picture grew as

Being an 8 year old at the time I actually didn’t have money, nor did I even know what Star Wars was until episode 1 came out and my parents brought out the Old Trilogy to show me and my sister.