This got me in the gets:
This got me in the gets:
This has been completely my perspective on this announcement.
I’ll be dipped in dung if I’m going to dump $400 for a brick console that’ll take up space and collect dust to play a game that was supposed to come out on the other $300 dusty brick that I’ve got laying in my media center.
I just spent over $1,000…
Looked great back in 2009 when announced for PS3, and they should have kept the release for PS3 fans as well.
This news of console jumping really pisses me off.
I’ll be dipped in dung if I’ll shell out $400 for a console I’ll barely touch other than to play this title.
Nintendo’s E3 reveal was a bust, all except for Xenoblade Chronicles X.
I loved this coffee table art book as a kid. . .
Wish I still had it.
You’re welcome.
Thanks for that.
I keep looking at this price drop, thinking that I’d like to grab one to see what it’s about, and then I recall the lack of support Sony’s given the device, and the teensyest library they’ve provided it with.
Can’t justify the purchase, considering the storage device to operate the thing is sold…
Thanks for that.
I keep looking at this price drop, thinking that I’d like to grab one to see what it’s about, and…
Which platform are you gaming on?
We are playing at Very High settings on an AMD R9 290 , utilizing a 40” Samsund LED 240hz tv, and the text looks fine at 1080p.
I would assume you’re also playing on PC, but if you’re gaming on XBone, then I’m curious if it’s not simply a resolution issue.
I believe that Xbox One only…
You struck the nail on the head.
My thoughts exactly.
This guy’s username says it all.
Blah, seriously, who gives a crap about your stupid mod that somebody already did before you?
This Greenlight Spotlighting concept is wonderfully informative. You wade through the garbage to find the gems which we otherwise might overlook.
Hnnnngh, I can't wait to see what becomes of this game.
It looks absolutely resplendent.
I stopped playing months ago because of issues like this before they introduced better matchmaking.
Begin a strike and end up doing all the work myself while observing one or more of the players who joined along with me just sit at the precipice of a major event area.
Really, if Bungie wanted to fix this, there are…
I have got to see this!
Provide link when accomplished, please?
This was more what I was thinking.
I bought it on PS3 the day it launched as well, and just bought it again on PC last night at the discounted price of less than $10.00 after a 20% off voucher!
I probably own every MGS title on multiple platforms in some capacity. And yet, if they released an HD remaster on PC of all the MGS titles, I'd buy it all…
It's $13.39 right now on the Steam Holiday Sale!
Have you bought it yet?!
I bought one for $180 refurbished about five months ago, and I knew there was really a lack of content, but there are some decent games on the console.
The real issue for me is that they've truly been shoved out of the big third-party market from the PS3/360 generation, and I was really hoping to make the console a big…
Happens all the time during the Vault of Glass Raid on PS3, but I couldn't tell you about the other platforms, as I only play the game on that platform.
Sounds like it's an issue on multiple platforms though, by how you've detailed it here.