between pegida, pauline hanson’s one nation party, brexit, greet wilder, marine le pen, and norbert hoeffer, the world has found ways upon ways to disappoint me. but #$%^ing trump winning was like watching 9/11.
between pegida, pauline hanson’s one nation party, brexit, greet wilder, marine le pen, and norbert hoeffer, the world has found ways upon ways to disappoint me. but #$%^ing trump winning was like watching 9/11.
I will say that neither Kirk nor I predicted that!
Well for one thing I assumed that the American public wasn’t stupid enough to elect a President with 0 political experience, has declared bankruptcy 5 times, and who nominates a wife beating Nazi as his advisor.
Okay! *attempts to get up, but the chains of homework and exams tie me down*
I’m convinced that the recent update to gyms, which made them harder to hold and easier to take, is to prevent players from gaining too many coins for free
you’re forced to encounter them in a very slow and tedious way?
Are you still pretending that they arent? And arent one of the most massive gaming genres? lol k
If I had a ticket pending and that officer had issued it, you can bet your ass I’d contest it in court on the grounds that his equipment is massively mis-calibrated. Because if you want to argue that the chief wasn’t going that fast, then the only other possibility is that his radar or lidar was wrong. Which, if so,…
They’re in a Ford dealership. Clearly they’re concerned that 423 horsepower is insufficient to properly take out a crowd of people.
Donald Trump has been a vocal advocate of sexual assault, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and violent racism. Early…
They should let the guy who was moderating this debate do the national ones! In his debate, if you don’t answer the actual question, you lose your turn. Politics would be better if everyone followed this rule. That’s the difference between a moderator and an enabler!
“They’re allowing a terrorist, a neo-Nazi Ku Klux Klan member to be secured in a building in which we paid thousands of dollars...”
it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts…
Plus some Crystal Chronicles stuff for good measure.
No, just FFI through FFXIII, including FFXI.
Catching isn’t the hard part, it’s finding the fuckers. After seeing about a hundred Onyx silhouettes on the tracker while playing, I finally managed to run into one. Caught it with one super ball and a razzberry. It’s a shame that there isn’t some sort of system that would help ya narrow down where a rare pokemon…
Well I’m not 100% sure of this... basically, it won’t lock players into specific Types, but would strongly bias the player’s deck. For existing players, it’s less a problem, but newer players will have their Mon teams stacked more in one type. That ultimately makes them more vulnerable if and when PvP content rolls…
I mean, if I really needed help catching Pidgey and Rattata, I really would have appreciated the boost well before I caught several hundred of each.