
Asked and answered. :)

This is exactly what I was going to respond with, thanks!

Imagine doing coke in a porta potty all weekend, but not wanting to get vaccinated.

The Sturgis Motorcycle rally which includes a bunch of outdoor music and drinking (let’s call it a festival for people with Harley’s) caused a 700%+ surge in cases in South Dakota.

I kind of hope several acts who were going to attend and are vaccinated change their minds because they don’t want to be a superspreader event.

Oh great. As someone that lives in OC where a significant number of attendees live, I’m not looking forward to the surge this causes. April is still 6 months away, things may change, but I doubt it.

“Hey, Fyre Festival? It’s your cousin, Coachella. You know those horrible decisions you made? Well listen to THIS

Its a private event, the “religiously opposed” can stay at home with those who can’t get the vaccine for medical reasons and also those that can’t get it for “medical reasons”

Given the weird way of announcing it, are we sure that this isn’t just a single disgruntled employee or a troll who got control of the IG account?

Vaccines are going to be approved by the end of the month for children. So, fuck ‘em.

Glad it’s not just me who was instantly turned off when I saw he was involved.

and the arbiter of cool himself, Dr. Phil

It’s also worth mentioning that Chappelle didn’t even bother to reach out when his trans “friend” when she ended her life. Kinda really infers a lot about their relationship and how he viewed her as disposable.

Dude, Chappelle didn’t even attend his trans “friend”s funeral accoring to one of her actual friends. He basically used her death as a prop and dehumanized her and treated her like shit.

His transphobia and bigotry comes across just fine in the transcript. 

Get fucked, “anyone who disagrees with me couldn’t have possibly have watched the special!” isn’t a rational adult argument. It’s whiny narcissism using polite words.

Not to mention they’ve done this with actresses. Rich quizzed Christina Hendricks when she was clearly uncomfortable about Matthew Weiner.

Holy hypocrisy Jezebel. Are you fucking serious? How many actresses have you raked over the coals for answering, not answering, working with and justifying their existence near Woody Allen?

Good. Dude is insufferable in front of and behind the camera.

Disappointing to learn “Beat Bobby Flay” was a cooking a competition and not people beating Bobby with wiffle ball bats.