Her sitcom didn't do so well.
Her sitcom didn't do so well.
A shame it's such a good book they're planning on ruining.
The costumes in the header picture aren’t so great and HBO provided that apparently.
I swear it’s one of the only shows where I’ve had to hear about their budgetary concerns for something so consistently. Specifically about those dragons which were generally fine. Did they save money by firing a bunch of writers?
Is it just me or does this look significantly cheaper and tackier than GOT? Even the costuming looks worse.
My only hope is they lost a lot money, but it probably doesn’t matter. Maybe investors yelled at Zuck and it bothered him.
In the Northeast here and there seems to be plenty of pumpkins around and having purchased 2 the price seemed normal. Not that I really remember the what the prices normally are, but it seemed fine.
Any Iron Fist news?
Oh you’re just being a very* annoying contrarian.
Oh you’re just being an annoying contrarian.
I’m not even a huge sports person, but the ones I have enjoyed tend to be hockey, soccer and basketball. Baseball and American football is just so long and there's so much not playing or doing much of anything.
Nothing nothing nothing nothing ball hit run around nothing nothing nothing nothing - baseball
Ginger ale.
Coffee tastings are definitely a thing that occurs. I used to work with a lot of the independent west coast coffee roasters.
Hear me out Mysterious Skin the series! It will be torturous.
Soccer is do much more entertaining than baseball or football. Things actually happen.
Well no one died, but this was definitely some odd kind of torture and exploitation.
Oh yeah flour was definitely missing, I don’t bake much nor did I start baking because of lockdown so it didn’t have an impact in me. That can’t be substituted as easily.
It was fun and I'd generally recommend it on streaming, but it didn’t live up to my Happy Death Day (same director) expectations.
I never really experienced any food shortages that effected me during all of this. Maybe some shelves were less stocked, but nothing I couldn’t just buy something else instead.