
Because we live in age when Teen Vogue writes really good articles, this one addresses a lot of stuff they did and still do to this day.

Stop defending the fucking Pinkertons. Jesus you're a tool.

That’s cute I’m glad they did something not terrible once.

Individuals often did hire the Pinkerton Agency ... To do what?

Hm interesting. 

So her and Krasinki are republicans right? This, all his dumb army propaganda shit and a survivalist wankfest horror series. Maybe a “libertarian” whatever that means.

I don’t normally watch it, it's cool just not my thing, but I’m curious this season. I know they decided to toss the initial idea and wanted to address BLM and police brutality. Which good on them.

Don't call people slurs you fucking shit stain. Jfc

Why are you cool posting something calling them a slur?

K, well they were climate change deniers.

Remember how many millions Megyn Kelly got to do her own show on NBC?  I feel like that used the same focus group type research. 

How do you get the republican demographic?

Yeah not good enough. There are better people in this world.

Did he promise not to sexually harass her or fire her if she gets pregnant? Let’s ask the producers ... ohh ...

Maybe it’s the Harry Potter associated ones (I think made by Jelly Belly), but I remember there was a vomit flavor that was a tad too accurate and I was done.

Oh god yeah that'd be depressing. There is no way she should be back at work a few days after giving birth. Even some of the worst jobs wouldn't have that expectation.

I only get annoyed by the people making the really played out pirate jokes. It’s just not clever, yeah we know. Don’t be so proud of your "Yo ho yo ho" quip. Cinecraft's comment is refreshingly straight forward. 

I like Quorn didn’t bother me at all. It’s not vegan though, something to do with egg whites. Tofurkey on the other hand truly disagrees with me for some reason. Cramping stomach leading to endless farting.

Aww this is a bummer. I’ve appreciated her for all of her career and Dead to Me is just rad. I hope she's in good spirits figuring this all out as much as one can be.

I don’t want to see him get the shame walk. Well I do in a way, just maybe censored.