I aspire to be a willowy 5'9" someday and look very chic in a preppy collared shirt. I’m 43 now though, so growing an extra 5 inches of height probably isn’t in the cards for me.
I aspire to be a willowy 5'9" someday and look very chic in a preppy collared shirt. I’m 43 now though, so growing an extra 5 inches of height probably isn’t in the cards for me.
Summer, 1995. My high school crush and I get general admission tickets to see Live (yes, I’m old). We fight, and I mean push and shove, our way all the way up to the front, with hot, sweaty bodies on all sides. It was gross, but once we got to the front, there was air and of course, we were inches away from the band.…
It comes off very humble-brag-y. I do love babeville for concerts. I’ve seen the Mountain Goats there twice so I’m similarly biased.
As a Black woman, I can’t count how many prints I’ve seen fabulously worn by other curvy or yes, fat black women. Prints and bright colors? Yes, all of that. At church, at the family reunion, parties, or to work. But now, in a time where plus size fashion is at its height, this designer who is also a black woman and…
Is there a single person on this earth who is surprised by this? Rich people gaming the system so their failkids can perpetuate the cycle of extreme privilege isn’t exactly news.
“Now let me correct you on a couple of things, okay? Aristotle was not Belgian. The central message of Buddhism is not ‘every man for himself’. And the London Underground is not a political movement. They are all mistakes, Otto. I looked them up.”
Ariana is the 30 Rock very sexy baby joke come to life and it makes me v uncomfortable. That’s probably the nicest and most Jezebel-friendly way I can respond to Pete’s assertion. And yes, I understand that taste is subjective.
Having to overthrow a tyrannical government might be the one thing that motivates me to lose weight.
i think they just wanted to have sex fourteen times
we refer to this film as “Dune: The Conjuring” because at the very end when they crown him my friend whispered “he is the Kwisatz Haderach!” and i lost it.
Let’s be clear, these people have ceased to be Star Wars fans and have morphed into overgrown manbabies that feel threatened by a woman with any sort of power or leadership role. All the MRA nonsense aside, I still don’t understand all the hate for The Last Jedi when The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones clearly…
Yeah, kind of an American Hiddleston/Cumberbatch vibe. I can dig it.
*rolls eyes* Jesus CHRIST *goes over and stands by the laser printers, Blair Witch-style*
Like, the concept has a lot of merit, I think. But it all sounds so impossibly obnoxious and deliberately impenetrable.
You know that hippie chick from college who thought she was gonna save the world through industrial design, went through hot-but-dumb dudes every week or so, seemed to not have realized that not everyone can use their parent’s credit cards to pay for everything, and eventually got hired to a mid-level job as a UX…
So now he’s got a brunette Gwyneth with a slightly larger vocab? Cool cool cool.