Bronson Charles

You’re a clown

Correct, and the dealer selling the car can do whatever they want with it as well, ie not sell you the vehicle.

They assumed he was going to export the vehicle. This is forbidden by MB north America. The dealership will lose allocation and be charged back for the vehicle.

All 3 are your mama

I just sold mine about a year ago. I loved that car. The looks are timeless.

I’m 100% sure that GT3 didn’t cost the same amount of money in every country. The USA has the least expensive cars, they need to shut their pie holes and take what’s given.

Sort of like Timo Glock letting Lewis by to win the championship or Meldonado not letting Alonzo pass to lose the championship?

Welcome to ordering cars. My ford raptor ordered in june, built in September didn’t get to dealer until end of December. My Bmw m6 took a while as well. I had a Mercedes order, Benz decided that my Aug. build was too early changed it to October, then out of the blue put some rush status on it and it came in within 6

My daily has 560hp and 500tq. It’s just about right. I’m not sure how it’d handle more power because it’s so balanced right now. Another 50hp wouldn’t hurt I guess.

Actually you can buy a 20 Oz coke for 1.68 and a 2 liter coke for 1.28. Prices per

From what I heard from tesla stores this week the model x that arrived recently have greatly improved in quality, gaps, etc.


Riry Reid needs to go as well.

WORKED god damnauto correct

No hard feeling, but the other guys got pretty wormed up haha

Thanks for ruining the race? Some of us haven’t watched it yet.

Is this article serious? You’ve been on some of the best tracks and never heard of isle of man?

I did, why don’t you do a quick search. Chinese owner Chinese quality Chinese made. Assembled in Sweden doesn’t mean squat when it’s all Chinese parts.

Chinese made. I’m out.

Everything except for the Chris Harris segment was tough to watch. Rory Reid is terrible and lame beyond belief. They need to start firing the lame ducks of the show. Sabine doesn’t have the TV personality either. She can drive and that’s it. Eddie Jordan needs to go, Chris Evans, pretty much worst cast ever.