In the GIF? No defensive player is allowed within 10m of the ball before the offense touches it.
In the GIF? No defensive player is allowed within 10m of the ball before the offense touches it.
RIGHT?! It’s like “I don’t care if it’s a pancake the size of my ample ass, it’s not going to take 40 minutes.”
I’m in a fantasy football league with my college roommates since 1989. Our drafts are usually destination things and not only do we share rooms, more often than not we are sharing beds! I think every one of us is a VP at his company, but it just seems like a waste of money better spent thrown at disrobing ladies or a…
Anchovies are best salted and cured (like bacon!), whereas oysters are best fresh out of the sea, consumed raw, steamed, or grilled, etc.
Nah, if you are young (say less than 30) and single you share the room, save $150 and still abide by proper wedding ettiquette which says that if one of you can score with a drunk bridesmaid, the other sleeps in the lobby. I think one of the ten commandments says “Thou Shall Not Impede a Roommate from Hooking Up”
Depends if there is a Pizza nearby. Anchovies on Pizza are the BOMB! Oysters go on a Ritz with cheese and sriracha sauce. No other food is any good ever again.
Wait - isn’t this MORE of a reason to split a room? You pay half as much but stay with a bridesmaid so you’re not doubling up anyway?
“But I don’t anticipate changing anything. We won 67 games with the group that we had.”
With mine the answer is always ‘yes’, followed up by “so what did I say”
How did you miss “Let’s go.” I have to say this close to a dozen times in the 10 feet from my front door to my car. If I don’t say this 100 times per day, I can barely get them to take 15 steps before getting all distracted
“Put your shoes on.”
15. Quit touching each other!
Pittsburgh don’t need them fancy ‘tato chips, what with alla them flavored popcorns the Market District keeps pumping aht. YINZ.
You post is so riddled with factual and conceptual errors that it deserves some kind of award for overall wrongness.
Seriously? The your decision to stay in Milwaukee or leave hinges on whether or not the Bucks are there?
That sounds much more likely and reasonable.
If they ever did French Fry-flavored potato chips, Pittsburgh would be a massive growth market.
As a Bengals fan who survived the 90s, I completely agree.