Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness

It is, but we’re talking about air conditioners right now.

I hate to break it to you, but if you grew up in a house with 18 rooms, you were pretty rich.

I’m from Dallas, I didn’t even know anti-AC was a thing until I was like 19. Every building here has AC, if it didn’t we’d all be dead.

Everyone in my office is currently running a space heater because some jackass facility manager set the AC too low.

This would honestly be a deal-breaker for me. I cannot imagine dating someone who has to have their steak cooked like shoe leather.

That’s not steak, but bullshit.

You’re lying to me.

ok that’s a lie, there’s a lot wrong with me. cookies still suck.

nothing, but a lot is wrong with stupid cookies, which are bad

I am extremely confused that you’re horrified by flour, which is one of the least offensive substances on the planet.


I love raw dough and am not grossed out by raw eggs but, in theory I am horrified by the idea of eating raw flour. This is why if you want to eat raw cookie dough it should always be made from almond flour because raw almonds are fit for human consumption, but raw wheat is only food for cows!

I feel like cookie dough is objectively more delicious than cookies. I don’t even feel like this statement is an opinion. Like, cookies are weird and dumb and frequently gross, crumbly pieces of shit (and even at best, they’re just tolerable), while cookie dough is an extension of the joy of the universe.

So basically you want them to cook it until it’s tender? amirite?

This comment is amazing and I forgive you your terrible steak proclivities.

Important question: is this a psychological thing where the red freaks you out, or do you just not like the taste of meat that hasn’t been turned into shoe leather?

Still trying to figure out why you hate joy

No respect. It’s