
Huh, I thought it was fan-damned-tastic. Elroy's relapse into his "white people problems" just slayed me. As with pretty much everything he's done this season.

George is gettin' upset!!!

A fun "imagination time" exercise is to think of the mommy and daddy issues all of these poor fuckers must have.

Replace "isn't very far from" with "is exactly."

I think Dan's lack of feelings even extends to sexual excitement. All is channeled into ego and career advancement at this point.

As any person who went to college in NC will attest, Bojangles is the best hangover food in the history of ever.

Hey, I grew up in Charlotte!

Also, Britta's Clooney outfit. 5 meowmeowbeenz.

Super serious "don't fuck with me" Abed is the best Abed.

Like the "Lucky Louie" where he tries so hard to befriend the new black neighbor. Classic Louis CK.

This also reminded me of the version we sang in elementary school:

Roger and Marie is the spinoff I want.

Amen, hallelujah. Just give them the finger in your mind's eye and move the fuck on, already.

For a summation of this, see Louis CK's "time travel is exclusively a white privilege."

NC is better than most parts of the old Confederacy in coming to terms with its asshole past. And one must distinguish "the South" from THE SOUTH, which is doubling down on its idiocracy and getting worse by the day. Things are slowly getting better in most of NC. There's a vibrant gay/straight alliance in my

That's similar to what I tell my daughters when a meltdown ends. I tell them it's ok, I know they didn't really mean it when they said they hated me and wished I would go far, far away. I remember what it was like to be a teenager, and you couldn't pay me enough to go through that shit again (and that's WITHOUT the

If they close with Leonard Cohen's "Suzanne" I will cry so much my kids will likely call the police.

I also watched my father die of pancreatic cancer. He took all the radiation and I saw the toll it took on a man that would have gone to work (on time, no less) had he been hit by a truck the night before.

This is consistent with my parents' experience driving across "the heartland" multiple times between Wyoming and NC in the early 1970s, despite being as square and white bread as they could be (an Air Force engineer and his wife from Asheville, NC, before it was a fun times hippie haven). My mom especially said it

Fuckin' teenagers, man.