
Yup. Gilfoyle almost always plays the long game with Jared.

Dunno. They could have. No matter what they did, it was going to be a very narrow tightrope to walk, and I liked how Harmon did it. Felt sincere and true to the characters' core and their development as people. Sometimes that has to take precedence over the subversive core of the show. But it's ok, there is


But that was the whole point, they aren't even close to normal. That's how they can be perfectly capable, attractive adults in love for at least 3 years and neither one do fuckall about it.

For Hollywood, that's the equivalent of a 2-month age difference.

I keep thinking of more stuff. It was sweet in retrospect how Britta even stuck up for her parents being pitched in a fantasy death sequence. That's actually huge personal growth for their relationship!

I think that Britta thing was a pure panic move. Felt like a game of chicken for both Jeff and Britta, neither wanted to be the one to back down first (also very well-acted). Deep down, he has loved Annie for quite some time, he just has been repressing his feelings for various reasons (for one, he's incredibly

when will his wrestling career begin?

I would watch a Community episode that was 28 minutes of just Britta Perry, wearing glasses and saying "fuck."

The double hug was perfect. I also thought it was perfect how they were setting up all the "season 7" pitches like it was gonna happen and of all people ABED is the one who "passes."

The glasses came back. All acknowledged the hotness. I would defect to her country just for that.

I have a soft spot for 3, because that's when I started watching. After the "darkest timeline" I ordered seasons 1 and 2 on DVD and immediately started my binge.

I agree with you completely. 1 and 6 are very close to equal though.

Yeah, that was the turning point in Jeff's mind. Did he really know what SHE wanted? Could he make her happy, when she really hadn't been into the wider world on her own yet?

Plus, she had the crush on Troy when she was a teenager. Even though she is much younger than Jeff, she's still an adult now. Love is love. It was still right of Jeff to let her go and not use that connection to his advantage (like old Jeff would have) and beg her to stay. Heartbreaking and right.

So many feels. I even cried a little.

The most Kent thing ever? Having no visible reaction to being named "the Nazi doctor."

"Secondhand Heroin" is the early front runner for my 2015 fantasy football team name.

Come on, no way does any dude with any drunken life experience not understand that you give up the toilet to a shitter in need. You can puke in a trash can just fine.

That just said "VODKA." Priceless. Everything about this episode made a Tuesday late afternoon the highlight of my week, easily.