
Give terriers a chance!

My last name being "Daves" (and not Davis) I watch this about once a week, and will likely do so as long as I live.

I first started watching this when I was maybe 12. It was the first time I felt truly at home - these were my spirit animals, speaking to me.

The Strain was pretty bad, but occasionally mildly entertaining and could at least pass the time (hey, it's summer and standards get lowered). Tyrant is a shitshow abortion of epic proportions.

THAT is exactly where my brain was trying to connect him to. Thank you, good sir! I did not want to break down and ask IMBD/wiki.

Interesting how small things always come full circle on this show. Back in the Kennedy/Nixon story arc, it was Don himself saying "Nixon IS me." Now he's disgusted by the implication.

If'n you are NC city folk like me (despite the aforementioned silly grammar), hopefully you now have access to Marco's Pizza. That, along with Wake Zone coffee house (coincidentally, both across the street from my kids' middle school in Apex) have changed my life dramatically for the better.

It's very good. Supposedly runs Android apps now, but has the durability and "hard" keyboard of the old-school Blackberry (also brings back the navigation keys so don't have to rely on touch screen so much if you prefer to not). Much larger screen and fast like a modern smart phone.

Hee hee, Louie and I are the last two on earth who do. Just replaced my shitty Q10 (as pictured on the show) with a new, much better "Blackberry Classic" two weeks ago. LOVE IT.

I like that he didn't just leave his self-loathing behind. I would have felt all abandoned and whatnot. He's like our patron saint.

Buster Bluth would have known what to do!

This is a total over-protective single dad thing (in other contexts). When you want to fade the fact you were hanging out with a woman - and not start anxiety/hopefulness about possible dating scenarios, but you don't want to lie, you use genderless pronouns as a hedge.

THIS. I also wonder if all of the romantic arcs on this show could be an extended riff of the pearl of George Carlinian wisdom: "Women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are so crazy is that men are so stupid."

And I can totally identify with ALL of this, which is why I can keep watching. Pamela is confident, profane, smart, and strong, which is everything I/Louie like in a woman.

Holy shit, I knew I recognized him and it would be funny when I put the pieces together. Take it from A- to A in my book for that alone.

Yup. I posted this as a reply 4 posts before I got to this, a better statement of what I was trying to say.

I like it when they probe the Abed/Jeff relationship, because it's a really unique dynamic within the larger group. They see right through each other's bullshit, and they get each other in a way that makes sense, even though it kind of doesn't? (say that last part in Troy voice)

Repeat after me. IT'S TELEVISION, PEOPLE. It doesn't mean you support for reals treason, murder, and general evil. Most of us are able to live our lives without simpleton black and white brains like that, which is why we read books and watch tv/film beyond the likes of Tom Clancy and Oprah/Dr. Phil.

Plus I really dig Nina in her quasi-prison issue sweatpants.

I will never let go of my dream of a Stan/Oleg post-Soviet era private-eye buddy comedy/love triangle spin-off.