Bromona Quimby

Everybody focuses on the obvious sitcom parody but look at the hour-long drama elements and tell me those aren't also pretty satirical. Her answer to an unhappy marriage? Murder! And how does she intend to achieve that? Drugs! She's cheating on her husband with an old boyfriend who used to be her boss and is once


There are three components here. The subjects of the article, the article itself, and the commenters below the article.

I can’t for the life of me figure out what that subheader is supposed to say. Or Britney Spears what?

In Big Little Lies, would it have killed them to put in a line or two about how Kidman’s character had grown up in Australia and moved to the US as a young woman? It wouldn’t have changed anything about her character and we wouldn’t have had to follow her accent round the houses every time she raised her voice.

If people are excited by this, that’s awesome. But stuff like “She eerily does look just like Ball”- this is subjective and not at all true; this is a writer trying to will something into existence because that writer wants it to be. She looks like Nicole Kidman and nothing at all like Lucille Ball (which is fine,

What the fuck did that teaser do to show off anything about the performance or film, let along “prove critics wrong”?

Does she though?

Ohr nor! 

Desi Arnaz would have been even better, but sadly he’s dead too.

When cis women are telling trans women that genitals determine gender, when cis women call trans women “infiltrators” or “rapists of the female form”, and literally telling us that we’re “not a lesbian” because we’re trans, they don’t get a free pass from me.

Also RE: the not a lesbian stuff-I can find a few bad

So you think that St. Jude’s commercial was improvised?

Well, it is kind of a thing. Not to say unauthorized biographies aren’t also a thing, because of course they are - but it really does seem like everyone is defaulting to “GIVE HIM A BIOPIC” as they mash the retweet/share button, as if there’s one already in pre-production just waiting to be handed over. But there

This is the first article I’ve seen about this thing that mentions how kind of... gross it feels.

There’s one, *maybe* two comments like that here, the rest are basically shoulder shrugs. You came loaded for bear, and ended up missing the bird.

Having actually seen this, I can confirm that Ben Platt’s age hits early and often.

Some people are hateful monsters, and maybe can never be reached.

Atheism is a religion because it purports to know something unknowable

Just no.

I mean, that’s what “queer” is and pretty much has always been since we started reclaiming it. It’s always referred to being non-straight and/or non-cis.