Bromona Quimby

But my issue with the take is... why is the first/only option murder? I saw someone else mention they need Kevin to do more than be a self obsessed husband, and I agree. Don’t get me wrong, I understand wanting to hurt him cause he blew their savings, and got her fired from the law office, but... murder? Is there a

Wasn’t this the 3rd episode?

feel like this could have been a tight 90 minute movie, but boy are these wheeeeeels spinnnning.

After episodes 2-4, I’m starting to worry that the show isn’t going to end with that kind of smart, meta rug-pull - I’m starting to think this is just what the show is, a weird mashup of a gritty antihero drama with a bad sitcom, with nothing to say about either genre.

I completely agree. I also think that, in the first episode, the sitcom is so terrible that it functions as horror, but then by the second episode, it’s...just a terrible sitcom.

It seems like so many people take Allison’s refusal to even consider just leaving as some frustrating problem with the show, when it feels like the entire point. It’s easier for her to imagine killing him than to tell him to go fuck himself. Kevin’s not a calculating mastermind plotting to control her. He’s a piece of

Ok so her and Patty are becoming friends.. But did she think she could get drugs from Patty, have Kevin “accidentally” overdose.. and everyone is quiet about it?

This just isnt a very good show. Its not funny, its not interesting, you cant care about ANY of the characters, the only reason to watch it was to see Annie Murphy, and after only two episodes i can see even that isnt enough.

This would be a great one-off season show, with a real end goal and storytelling idea. My fear is that, at the end of season one, they just play it out further.

After 3 episodes, I’m still trying to decide if I like this show.  I love the concept, but the execution so far is kinda “meh”

I thought the first episode was brilliant - a surreal, over-the-top parody of “The King of Queens” wedded to a surreal, over-the-top parody of “Good Girls”. They quickly did away with the surrealism, the exaggeration, the juxtaposition; now it’s just a straightforward poor-man’s-”Good Girls” that occasionally cuts

I simply don’t understand what this show is supposed to be.

Oh Emily,

I’m not sitting through that video.

You tried to try and rile up an outrage mob to hurt the career of a woman who had done nothing wrong, other than being affluent and white.

You literally just repeated what I wrote in a different order than claimed “it was an all or nothing approach”. Maybe go back and reread the part where I stated directly revenge porn is wrong but the part worth discussing is the inappropriate relationship only before mansplaining what I just wrote.  

They haven’t called the cast of SNL that since 1977-78 (I know this, because I just looked it up to confirm. Also, it didn’t seem like they had in decades.)

He looks . . . nothing like the guy. Travis Maldonado is a very specific type of Southern-hot and trashy. This ain’t it.

His dad also produced it.

Nobody has noticed or discussed this. Your humanitarian work will be remembered.
reading the synopsis off Wikipedia,” I mean I get that you are a gimmick account, but you’re not supposed to include that part.