Bromona Quimby

I can see why this website would be critical of Cramer, as it has held Pelosi in the highest regard, and treated her with the deepest respect throughout her career.

Cramer’s reasoning makes sense! It’s like how all the homophobic slurs hurled at me in high school were because other bullies had used those terms first and people were just mentioning it for context.

Anyone who saw her performance or read her on-set diary published in Vanity Fair knows exactly why Lloyd-Webber was mean to her: she was an arrogant, ignorant twit terribly miscast in a role that was out of her range both vocally and intellectually.

Tulsi going Q is completely on brand. 

I don’t know how much longer the threats are going to be “phantom.”

Sounds like standard Church doctrine since forever, they have always wanted people to have sex because that means more members.

Acknowledging that you and your publication are just as cynical and profit driven as the other bottom feeders doesn’t make you better. It makes you more shameless.

Or just come to Jezebel and read of the Kamala hit pieces they put out here. No Trump required.

Keep in mind that invariably, always, every single goddamn time, the GOP calls the Democratic nominee the MOST LIBERAL (whatever).  Every time.  It’s meaningless.

it is a personal problem. But I’m the main character

Ivanka thinks she’s all that just because she bought herself a chin.

I was mostly on board for the first half, but by the time they got to the high school, I just wanted it to end, and it kept going and going.

This isn't outing. What gawker did was outing.

At the time of the original article, I think he was using they/them, but now is using he/him. Also, I tend to agree-this largely seems like a self-inflicted burden, and it’s hard to blame The Atlantic for this one particular issue. In fact, I might go so far as to say that doing so actually distracts from and

As a Non-Black WoC.... Please spend your energy elsewhere. He doesn’t need to be specific or accurate. He’s clearly talking about the experience with anti-Black racism which is worse than what all others experienced.

Did Junior Mint’s girlfriend write a cookbook that you are now Julia&Julia-ing through?

No, if you point out that believing sexist criticism about women’s looks is wrong, even when directed at people that are objectively terrible, then you are unreasonably fastidious. Jezebel grants themselves permission to be sexist all the time. Principles are things that they apply to *other* people.

She absolutely used the site wrong.  She defrauded people.  Whether it was designed for sex workers or not (I’m not even sure how that’s relevant), it definitely was not designed for fraud.

I’d wager quite a lot that it’s much worse than this review lets on.

I’ve always seem Weiss as a troll who knows that outrage drives clicks. What’s sad is that those publications bought into that crap and hired her.