Bromona Quimby

The problem, I think, is that 50 years of leftists—not just in the U.S., but worldwide—are far more comfortable with being “the opposition” instead of “the government.” The former is considerably sexier (with loud protests and activism) than the latter, which often involves a bunch of unglamorous meetings with

I read a take somewhere about how young hipster leftists in Brooklyn are still mad that their mom used to tell them what to do so hate any politics that engages suburban women. (#Resistence, Wine Moms, etc).

the dental work makes a huge difference too.

really bad, uninspiring candidates, Gene...

I feel like we’re going to be reading versions of this word salad regularly between now and election day.

Ironic that your comment is about not everyone needing to hear about someone’s opinion, yet you used the word “I” sixteen times 

And despite that literally anyone could be elected, democrats managed to pick the worst possible candidate for their cause. 

W Bush created the polarization when he decided to use 9/11 as a wedge issue, and denounced anyone who wanted sanity over anger as the response as unpatriotic. Trump is the inheritor of W’s policies of polarization, not the originator of them.

i don’t actively hate it, but i 100% agree with you.

Fuck Dancer in the Dark. Fuck it’s ugly misery porn, fuck it’s randomly edited musical sequences, fuck it’s entire point of view, fuck everything about it except maybe one or two of the Bjork songs.

The standard it has set is one where criminality and active actions against public good are overlooked, because bipartisanship. That's not conducive to a system trying to operate on any measure of ethical standard. 

I know dude. I’m just in a pessimistic mood. Sorry.

You added the link but haven’t bothered to update or add a correction to your initial post. Cool.

You may not have known, but they know full well about the stereotypes and tried to use them against him. A lot of people fell right into it. Many are reversing and apologizing. Others are doubling down. But that’s how people are on most issues, right? Cognitive dissonance.

I love how she just had to start her apology with that self-serving preamble: “As an adult...”

As usual, the commenters on the previous article were asking more and better questions about this story than the paid writers for this site did.

Seriously? Just admit you were wrong, ffs.

I don’t have a problem with Bernie, but some of his followers epitomize the sentiment that “fans can ruin your perception of the person.”  So nothing against Bernie himself, but you reiterating that Joe soundly beat him made me chuckle.

Except “the people" overwhelmingly voted for Biden. Their will was done. VP candidates are very often failed Presidential candidates— Biden was one himself in ‘08. This is an odd take. 

If only Jezebel and Splinter had felt that way in 2016.