Bromona Quimby

“Can she cook? I don’t know if she knows how to cook! Are they giving her a cooking series even though she can’t cook?”

If you’re trying this hard, you should probably use a different word than transvestite.


Plus the writers seemed to think Ross was like 5’5 and 95 lbs.

Thank GOD, the MCU has the brain trust of the Jezebel comments section to defend it. 

What part of the world are you in that you have to ascribe such rigidity to gay sex positions and what that means about the person? I’d like to make sure I never go there, thanks!

She spouts more right winging talking points than just the pro-life ones. Maybe you’re remembering the person she tried to convince people she was when she first came on the scene 10+ years ago. 

My bad. AMC Plus released episodes 3 and 4 and I just assumed AMC aired episode 4, but I was wrong!

Yeah, I fear you’re probably right. I just want there to be more than that, I guess? It’s been a real slog so far and I suppose I’ll see it to the end of the season because why not? But man, there’d have to be one hell of payoff to make any of this feel worth it and as you’ve said, it likely ain’t coming.

Are there 8 episodes? If so, this show is halfway done and it’s still no more interesting than “here is our concept.”


Love me an innovative innovation.

Boy, are you working for the wrong website.

No, a concept needs to be supported with in-world logic. I don’t know how you jumped to me stressing, but you’re doing the most to defend this movie! so you do you.

Yeah, I was disappointed in both of them.  Us made no sense, even within its own word, and Antebellum was just… completely misguided. 

I mean, the images were memorable, but what I remember mostly is trying to figure out how Lupita Nyong’o was able to explain everything at the end. Or how exactly they were the people above and below were actually tethered. And what the rules of that tethering were, etc. Granted, it’s been a while, and I have no

I didn’t realize his character was so dumb.  

It had been formerly known as the VP Ball for seven years before Kemper took part in it; the name was changed to Fair St. Louis in 1992.

Just say VP. Jesus. 

“Here are my clinical trial pills which may or may not help you but you’re only gonna get them while I’m alive so”