Bromona Quimby

“We didn’t vote for your husband, but we definitely want to read your book!”


Is the age difference between Pete and Chasten and acceptable to the people of Jezebel?

Did Jezebel lock you up so you couldn’t say anything when they were smearing Alex Morse or are you proud to work here?

definitely think of grudging when I think of Roxane Gay, though.

Lol. Congrats on writing the dumbest fucking comment of the day.

These asinine fat nicknames really make your dick hard, don’t they?

You tried it. 

I wouldn’t have time to cook either if I had to read all the Trump books then write something complaining about how someone reads all the Trump books.

It’s like how  Jez pays lip service to not body shaming it its blog posts, but someone is always ungraying the lady who calls the president “Waddles.”

Her mother certainly told her to do whatever she needed to do to keep the money coming in

Why not just get edibles or a vape pen then?

You got that “old people read pretend to read something incorrectly to make a labored joke”thing down.

This is funny to see on Jezebel where every day there there are like a hundred ungreyed comments calling the president “Waddles.”

Imaging caring about this heterosexual nonsense.

Not every headline needs a pun. 

I do not care about the Conway daughter.

I remember watching this and Community on Yahoo Screen via my Apple TV and for some reason getting zero commercials on any. Good for me, bad for them, I guess. 

This country is definitely electing a Q Anon president in 2020.

Imagine being prescriptive about language or mocking lack of proofreading on JEZEBEL.