Bromona Quimby

I like Waddles because it reminds of the fat women who write for Jezebel. 

Maybe he wasn’t paying attention when Republicans publicly announced they would obstruct Obama at every turn, made good on it, and were then rewarded with the Presidency. It’s almost hard to belive Obama’s VP could be so clueless, but then I remember who Obama’s VP was.

Nobody does this to Mrs. Russ Crane!

People let words like “may, “ “could,“ and “might” do way too much heavy lifting.

Just think of all the commercials she’ll do in the second term!

If these comments are any indication no one gives a shit about her book, so lol. I realize the idiots of America have already made it a bestseller, though. 

She means a South Park gif. 

This apply to coal miners, too?

At the time of its removal, Vulture reported the reported that it’s unclear why the season 5 live episode was taken down.

The “cancel culture as religion” metaphor is... underdeveloped. 

He also admitted not even reading the letter they published, but go off. 

This seems like something old Gawker would have done, tbh. 

Most insurance does not cover erectile dysfunction pills..

Democrats shouldn’t celebrate prematurely

There are two kinds of people in the world - those who think “myself” is interchangeable with “me” and those that know that it’s not.

YouTube is an infernal cesspit that imbues those who use its platform to further their own nascent celebrity with an undue sense of power and overlookedresponsibility.

I, too, hope Mr. Hanks will see himself on the big screen in another WWII picture some day!

Dr. Slotten with my general practitioner until I left Chicago in 2010 and he ruined me for other doctors. He was always so emphatic and I wish all doctors could be like him. 

I think if Trump drops out it’s Romney and the Republican Rehabilitation Game begins.