
I got the feeling young people were shunned around these parts.

Almost any time there's a Japanese person on the Simpsons, it's jaw droppingly racist.

Surely Luis Guzman doesn't need work this bad.

When I was about ten, a friend and I bought machetes for $3. Then we waved them at traffic. My mother wonders why I don't want children.

What happens in Doc's Delorean, stays in Doc's Delorean.

This guy I grew up w/ became a circus freak, eating glass, swallowing swords and whatnot. It amazed me that he's been really successful touring independently w/ burlesque acts. I'm all for circus adjacent.

So will there be a fad of home made liquid metal, like you could get from vending machines years after terminator 2?

The fate of Radio Shack was summed up well when I saw a few days ago a woman who looked to be in her 60s standing in the pouring rain out front of the store holding a 90 percent off sign for the traffic.

"It turned out my glasses were lodged in my intestine the whole time!"

My friend had this idiot stepfather, where whenever you'd mention the word, "bear," he'd tell you the story about the time his brother & him saw a bear in the woods, & his brother hit it on the ass w/ a trashcan lid, & they ran away.

I feel for him, & hope for the best. My mom just had a brain tumor removed, then her incision got infected. Infection's gone, and she's doing better, but it takes a long time for the swelling to go down. She has bad vertigo.

Torrents are a thing. You may have moral qualms about it, but I think when things are this hard to find it's justified. Found it & downloaded it in less than a minute.

He loves that acid joke. I saw him do it 21 years ago. It had a different punchline then. I like how he uses the passage of time in a joke he's been telling in some form for 2 decades.

But, think of the music journalists!

much more amusing if you picture Jimmy Carter saying it.

There's a book I've been reading called, "The Invention of Murder" that is sort of the same thing, except for 19th century England. It's really interesting to see how these now forgotten crimes were covered in the papers/broadsides, novels, & in melodramas that played in mainly unlicensed theaters. Amazing the amount

This was long before all the Infowars shit.

I'm friends w/ a woman who dated him for years. He's a genuine nutjob.

a friend & I made sort of industrial/noise, occasionally very jokey electronic music in the 90s. Not sure where to play, we didn't play guitars, so we decided to play a few raves. It, uh, didn't go well. You couldn't dance to it, & our m.o. was usually having as many weird noises fighting each other as possible. Our

I can't see the Melvins really giving a shit.