Out of a lot of shitty responses, this is the one I concur with. I love the Celtics and I was at Fenway for my birthday last year. I just reaaally don’t get along with a whole large subset of Boston fandom and never have.
Out of a lot of shitty responses, this is the one I concur with. I love the Celtics and I was at Fenway for my birthday last year. I just reaaally don’t get along with a whole large subset of Boston fandom and never have.
I agree with just about everything you said. My general take on the fan hate is just what I’ve seen on Twitter, though maybe that’s just because Twitter if Actual Hell.
Can anyone explain (aside from the obvious) the Celtic fan hate for Crowder? Dude is legit, and I like him. I know blah blah twitter and blah blah racist Boston fans but is there really any reason there? All I know is I like the dude but damn if it doesn’t seem like anytime I see him I see Boston fans hating him.
That’s a great roomie. That’s amazing.
I don’t think stadiums are framed with wooden studs there, champ. (And it’s 16 inches on center)
Best possible boat take. Everybody else pack it in, it’s over.
#BoatTakes had better be trending when I wake up or else you turds aren’t doing your jobs.
I’ve come to realize that lots of people hate boiled peanuts because they’ve had them from a pouch at a grocery store or...for the love of God...a can.
Hey! Don’t you disparage C.J. McCollum like that! He’s not some snowbound rube...he’s a rube from a small former steeltown in Eastern Pennsylvania populated by: fratbros, a teletubby that pees in Chinese food, the darkness at the core of all human existence, more people from New Jersey than actual New Jersey has…
My thoughts precisely. The Jetsiest thing I can think of is backing up a dumptruck of money for Tony Romo and then watching him mush his C3 vertebra into confectioner’s sugar while giving some kid a high-five.
Pictured: notable Yanking batsman Alec Rod demonstrates his prized technique.
This is top-flight Hot Taek Kinja right here.
“waffle/coffee diarrhea” is a phrase that will never leave me.
Given the evidence provided in your description of his apparently Horribly Onerous Process of obtaining a real Christmas tree I am only left to conclude one thing:
I can’t wait until someone gets injured on this and then SLIDEGHAZI becomes the hottest sports story of 2017.
I had this colleague once, a married woman, teaching and in graduate school in her late 20s/early 30s. A grownup and born in the US. She was from Kentucky. When properly goaded, she would (a little too) proudly declare that, no, she had never had KFC and that she had never had any fried chicken, ever.
Aw shit this is amazing. I know they’re all supposed to be bad stories but this is the best off-topic one. We don’t deserve Giannis.
I like that the Yankees’ central plan is to get under the luxury tax....so that they can then explode the fucking luxury tax like nobody ever has before.
True story: I was given a raclette some years ago. I looked at it, and pictured inviting friends over to operate that...thing.
As an official White Person From Connecticut™, I can brook much of this ribbing in good humor. My tartans and cakes and mug toppers will survive this onslaught of Magaryisms. My holiday good cheer will continue apace and my cup will runneth over with nasty-ass truffle oils while I listen to the Non-specific Winter…