Broken Machine

Larry Ellison wants you to think this way.

If you are visiting a federal building or military base, the Real ID Act might affect you sooner. After January 31st 2017, these states IDs may not be used as ID to get on base or in a courthouse.

I have yet to find out if this affects teaching motorcycle safety at military bases (and allowing students who will not

Motorcyclist? Obviously we can determine where the fault lies...

For every time the auto industry has FUCKED its customers, or refused to fix a known problem until the governement forced them to, or blamed their vendors, or dragged out a recall over 7 months without resolution or otherwise held their customers hostage, anyone with an affected VW is owed this.

He is playing by the

To be fair, Uber doesn’t have as strict a policy concerning drivers carrying knives as they do for guns. The stabbing victim could have been shot.

Oh, I understand it’s what someone is willing to pay. And for every sheep that does stand up and states “well, servers are expensive, too” (oh, higher priced than physical creation, transportation, risk of inventory loss/lack of sell through, every distributor along the chain getting their markup, etc..) I am reminded

Oh, I understand it’s what someone is willing to pay. And for every sheep that does stand up and states “well,

I went quite a few years without a car in the Philadelphia area. Enough so, I did ride in flurries, with dusting settling in on the unused sections of roads.

Heated grips and grip guards work wonders.

No, they took a VanVan 125 and made it more useable for fat American asses.

TW200 is a Yamaha.

Because they are promoting by traveling N/A with their Bobber Tour. They just redid the Bonneville, and the Street Twin hasn’t changed. The only additions were the Street Cup (viewable at the Marketplace at the show) and the Street Scrambler and Bobber.

I was more concerned about Husky not being there. I wanted to

$20 for the disc. Somehow $60 for digital seems a bit high considering the lack of associated costs...

$20 for the disc. Somehow $60 for digital seems a bit high considering the lack of associated costs...

As usual, these hacks make me laugh -It’s a punishment for the lazy. The only sympathy I have is for those of us that didn’t want TPMS radios as a weak link, allowing access to an inferior, albeit cheap, Canbus system.

Ehh, like the Excalade, I’ve always been of the mindset that the people that own the vehicle know better than those of us that don’t.

Yeah, because holding a bicycle like a pendulum is exactly the same as holding it by its wheels.

Yeah, because holding a bicycle like a pendulum is exactly the same as holding it by its wheels.

Yup. When you decide to drive a vehicle incorrectly, it might as well be intentionally reckless. Same as DUI.

That car pulled out VERY close, well within a dangerous zone. This really isnt reflected by the lens of the camera. This is not properly operating a vehicle, he could have easily injured this person, but

Someone drove their vehicle into me, on purpose because the wanted to get into the left lane. The mirror smacked the back of my head and when I leaned back up, her window was next to me I reached over and knocked the phone from her hand.

I, on the other hand, take a driving class at least once a year, and train often. But you think I’m obviously a bad driver because you disagree with me.

I wouldn’t do such an action, but I won’t condemn someone for such an action. Yes.

The main arguments I hear when asked why motorcycles can’t do something is that it is because cars can’t.

Yup. He pulled out without looking, or if he did look, he misjudged the speed. Sure, it’s an error.

Yup. I did swat the phone from someone’s hand. I’d love to explain why, though it would just be vilified.