Broken Machine

I see it as akin to opening a car door on a lanesplitter. Sure, it’s shitty, but I’m not gonna judge people that stand up for the guy who opened the door. 

Sorry I lost you. Im also sorry that more motorcyclists dont stand up for their rights, its why we lose so many. Im proud to have made a difference, and I hope to continue to do so.

Sorry also you see it as preaching. As the underdog in discussions, it is important to note that we are given advantages only by being

Not angry at all. In fact, when Im giving someone an earfull, it is often at normal volumes if I can get my helmet off safely (bike off, parking lot, etc). They need to know that their actions can cause a death. They will not get this, and only understand that someone was irrational if i am yelling.

There is a difference between an unavoidable accident and an incident or collision caused by inneptitude. When someone is underqualified for using equipment, there should be consequences. This would not have been an “accident” under those definitions. But permissions are given to car driving because its so damn

No, you’re right. But I don’t blame him for doing so. Just as I wouldn’t blame someone for taking a wing mirror

Where did I state I would do the same? I stated many times that I wouldn’t. I don’t damage property and said that specifically.

It’s not a “poor biker” routine. It’s a mindset. I accept the risks and acknowledge the dangers of riding a motorcycle. But I do not accept improper driving.

Yup. He sped up the inevitable. I wouldn’t do that, I would ream someone out for cutting me off in that manner, or in one case, I smacked the phone out of someone’s hand. But I don’t blame him.

I don’t support such behavior, and refuse to ride with such people. Drive recklessly or in a way that is a poor representation of the motorcycling community? You can’t join me. Don’t wear ATGATT? You can’t join me. I host multiple rides, but cannot be held responsible for every nitwit on two wheels.

I’ll continue riding and continue professionally teaching others, thanks.

Biker did nothing wrong. Not a damn thing. Unless, of course, you are not a biker and you think we are always at fault - then everything is our fault. Especially when we have a camera because we must have been doing wheelies or accelerating too quickly or something.

Attempted assault with a 3,000 pound weapon

I had a problem FRIDAY, which earned me a $26 parking ticket. Missing signs mean a 1-hour parking zone, apparently.

Yeah, that’s my fault.

As someone else points out, you obviously haven’t been to Philadelphia. Most of the tickets I’ve gotten have been due to missing signs, improper signage, or innept employees (I got a ticket for parking my motorcycle with the tire butting against the curb. This is compounded by the fact that FIVE separate agencies can

On a particularly confusing exit ramp run out to a service road, a reminder popped up on my GPS screen, something to the tune of ‘You’ve been driving a while, may I suggest a break’...

This is NOT why I use a GPS, Garmin.

Nannys must be allowed to be turned off. I’m worried specifically about V2V.

Having ridden both, the SkidBike offers something that dirt bikes on the loose stuff do not; the ability to high-side without pain.

If you have your own bike currently, I would take the ERC/BRC2 on that. You don’t need to relearn mixing the throttle and clutch, and learning where to look; you need to regain the confidence from being rusty for a bit of time. Also, as the BRC has the classroom sessions that total 5 hours, the risk of dying in the

You have to force yourself to do what you’ve been taught not to do for years. You have to get it to high-side. And everything you’ve been taught previously says ‘no’.

Throttle OR Brake, not both. Do you drive with one foot on the gas and one foot hanging over the brake pedal?

There are various reasons, not the least of which is throttle control to people learning new motor sills.

MSF Instructor, here. Take as many courses as you can, take the BRC2, the ARC and track days. Take Dirt Bike classes. Take all the training you can, the day you decide you are done learning, done trying to make each turn more perfect than the last, done evaluating yourself... hang it up.

If you can, go find a SkidBike

Philadelphia hates bikes. Enough so they put in motorcycle corrals with no lines separating spaces, and STILL charge a fucking fee. Indoor garages force you to double up with a buddy, and charge you each the standard rate. And the PPA refuses to acknowledge that motorcycles are still allowed to park in a normal stall,