That would explain why Jezebel Katie Baker has middle initials in her bylines. I wonder how they handled the user ID conflict in their IT system (k2baker vs kjbaker vs kabaker) so they don't get misaddressed emails. God, I've been in corporate IT too long.
Overly-curious cat? Hardly a show-stopper!
From afar, it looked like she was wearing Steampunk goggles.
Again with the Job Creators nonsense.
He just wants to do whatever common people do...
Yes. See Johnny "French Elvis" Hallyday.
I <3 the colour and smell of banana flavouring. Only fake strawberry comes close.
Sorry, but I must speak out on behalf of pressure cookers. They're great for making soup stock/mushify-ing tough vegetable matter. Once the cooker "gets up a head of steam" turn the heat low as it'll go and you can treat it as you would a crock pot. Just make sure there's enough working liquid.
This? Or is it too soon?
When painting with oil-based or enamel paints I cover the brush tips in plastic wrap and toss them in the fridge inside a Ziploc bag.
Just ask Dennis Kucinich.
But what better time to read The Economist newspaper? Did you know Indonesia is at a crossroads?