
I kind of liked that concave bit on the rear tailgate for one reason:

I love how completely and utterly nonsense this SUV is. It’s insane, unnecessary, ridiculous, absurd, and yet, I want one with every bit of my soul.

The world’s first Hundred Grand Cherokee.

“Fuck Nazis” highway seems fitting.

How about “Ulysses S. Grant Kicked Robert E Lee’s Ass Highway”

as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.

Why is that bad exactly? I’m speaking of the backup cameras in particular. The rear visibility is so poor on newer vehicles I’m 100% for it.

Nah, this is a good one that I’d like to see adopted nationwide to be honest.

Counterpoint: if it’s raining hard enough to turn on your wipers, sure would be nice if I could also see you/your lights. I don’t think this is a stupid law at all. Lack of enforcement, perhaps, is stupid.

I’ve got no problem with them being red, as long as they are a separate light from the brake light.

Turn signals. They should be amber. Always. Never red.

What REALLY bakes my noodle is that the Germans actually go out of their way to make US/Canada-specific taillights with red directionals when the ones they use in Europe (with ambers) would be completely compliant in the US.

Cars only being sold through dealerships and not directly from the manufacturer.

Easy: Front plate requirement. Ohio, requires it. Michigan (and damn near everyone else), not so much.


This whole thing is like jacking off into a fan for Democrats: It may be temporarily super satisfying, but it’s turning into a real fucking mess.

Actually they syphoned the water while they inflated a balloon bread.

Aussie what you did there Holden back with the SS reference

I agree, this imbalance needs to stop. We need cars designed and built in America, like the Ford Focus, Buick Cascada or the Chevrolet SS.

You joke, but most companies do actually have a “revenue” metric that design changes are weighed against. Finance might say that your “$50" change is worth $0, because realistically, how many people will actually pay more for a vehicle because of it? Or, because of the oddities of benchmarking, they might actually say

You are missing the point. Porsche can now charge you $2500 to cover that in leather.