
I will never get tired of seeing Khalil Mack highlights. I can’t even imagine being a Raiders fan now. I can’t imagine being a Raiders fan ever. I also can’t imagine a new color. Or my parents working out their issues. Or all the people John Lennon told me to imagine.

[becomes that guy]

Your greatest Laker list doesn’t include West (player and gm) nor Kobe (20 seasons)? Even if you’re not a KB fan, not including West is simply idiotic.

Sure, I’ll fight. Why not! I think there’s a significant difference between “Greatest player to wear a Lakers jersey” (LeBron, Wilt, Kareem, Magic, Shaq in some order ... possibly that order) and “Greatest Laker” (Magic or Kareem).

Ponder this...what great marriages have is sexual variety! Period! It’s not the equal burden-sharing at home trend, it’s not the fidelity trend. Find someone that is going to let me have unprotected, random sex! Period! #monogamysucks!”

“My fiancée has informed me that sheez letting me go. #thankstwitter!”

This is exactly the kind of Kinja that keeps me coming back day after day! Question mark!

“! Period!” is a pretty damn confusing string of text.

Sir, this is an Arby’s drive-through.

Thielen: That’s bullcrap!

I’m not a niners fan, and don’t follow them all that closely but every time i see them on TV, Kittle seems to be playing well, of all the nobody and has been skill position guys they got he certainly has the look of a pro bowl caliber tight end, of course thats all subject to change once they get some actual WRs and

Santa Clara.  Barf.  

The Constitution ranks right up there with the Bible as documents most often quoted by people who reaaallly don't comprehend them.

This is the network that let Trump host SNL and Jimmy Fallon rub his “hair”. NBC is garbage.

OK, Donnie Jr., but nobody forgot about your dad’s worst deal—paying $130,000 to rent three cubic inches of Stormy Daniels for seven minutes.

Is it weird that Erin Andrews mentioned he’d been verified on Twitter as a means of congratulation, or am I that far out of the loop?

When are we going to admit that Joel Embiid is just the second coming of Dwight Howard personality-wise? Let’s make the 2018-2019 season where we, as NBA fans, say his schtick is tiresome. 

Have you ever had a major injury? A bone fracture, a muscle tear, a tendon rupture? Trust me, you can get to tears from pain as an adult.

That’s fair, but I think I failed to articulate my point. If you’re demanding someone own up to their actions and apologize (at least, in cases say of Barry’s and, let’s say, James Gunn), I think that’s an appropriate response and one that’s fair given the offense. If you demand more than words, that they commit

This is entirely beside the point but I don’t think anyone dug for this. Leitch posted his article yesterday and linked back to a questionable old Deadspin article as a way of pointing out how he has grown since then. When I clicked on it, the top comment was Barry’s now widely circulated “fat” joke, I think because

And, as Albert later pointed out, the GOP fell in line once they figured they could get Trump to save them some money. It is only about owning the libs and giving more power and wealth to rich white dudes. That’s the policy of the party.