
Ya, just like having regulations on what a street legal car is, is a slippery slope to taking away our cars altogether. Registering your car today means tomorrow they’ll demand safety checks, then after that they’ll make you take some sort of test just to be able to drive it. Then before you know it they’ll take it

Where was that information when I needed it!

Counterpoint: College is a great opportunity to have lots of sex with several attractive partners.

“It is indisputably sexual harassment. That’s a crime,”

Looking forward to being told by a bunch of idiots that 1. I am myself likely an abuser 2. That I am an mra that supports rape and hates women. 3. I’m a disgusting monster for having an idea how lawsuits work.

Your hyper sanctimonious attitudes about a bunch of shit laid out in a lawsuit.

OK, so when does it end?

I think this is an interesting issue to consider as well.

Do people not know who they are now?  This seems like a silly comment

So, surprising nobody, listening to a twitter mob of people who weren’t even there at the time wasn’t a good idea.

Goodness gracious it sounds like a good place to work. We’re entering a very illiberal age and we will lose something along with the improvements. Who wants to work in a soulless, funless, open plan (so they can watch you) office where personality is forbidden as other people with personality are not always nice.

It was before a gala performance that was not part of the competition. It’s to make the fans happy and see the skaters have a good time.

*BPD waits for November and Native American Heritage Month*

They really wanted Jae Crowder? Though that doesn’t make sense either, given the way their roster’s constructed...

Joe Johnson, Dwyane Wade and Derrick Rose? The 2011 NBA trade deadline is nuts!

Cavaliers traded my workday productivity for a first round pick 

That, and a high-usage, high-possession guy who can’t defend is kinda wasted on a team with LeBron.

Meh, a lot of us were dumb-asses in high-school.  You just gotta worry about the ones who don’t grow out of it by their early twenties.  

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Regarding the 30s, it seems to me that 37 is the end. If you roll your ankle playing hoops at 37, that ankle will hurt off and on for the rest of your life. It’s when you really start being able to injure yourself sleeping, it’s when you need to start thinking about much more comfortable shoes, and food is just out of