
I’m pretty sure it’s just LaVar in a series of ridiculous disguises that don’t work.

They’re never going to completely legislate these types of hits out of the game.

If LeBron really wants to understand Rose’s life, he should try walking a mile in Rose’s knee braces.

[Tom Ley walks into Deadspin office with a big pile of dogshit in his hands]

I am internet commenting on a blog post about an email referencing a tweet which leaked info about a Youtube tab.

At least I’m not wasting my entire fucking life over here.

Winking emojis aren’t automatically followed by a dick pic anymore?

Thank goodness he didn’t fart, too.

She is the poster Girl for Jezebel. Always has been, always will be. Gawker/Jezebel has spent years promoting her, defending her, propagating her talentless work, her profound immaturity and lack of character: all hallmarks of the overly politically correct culture of Gawker, which of course, is the very epitome of

“The vibe was very much like, ‘Do I want to f— it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo,” Dunham continued. “I’m going to go back to my cell phone.’” It was like we were forced to be together, and he literally was scrolling Instagram rather than have to look at a woman in a bow tie. I was like, ‘This

“It’s a funny moment, when you’re a young person, and you come across an even younger person who is deeply, unambiguously, in every thinkable respect, cooler than you.”

Then you get to be older, and you realize how terribly uncool and awful you used to be, back when you thought you were cool, and ranked others on their

Bizarro Rick Astley seems cool.

Just don’t do anything at all in life and you should be fine. Sit very still and stare at the floor- make zero eye contact and do not speak. If you speak or move someone will take umbrage and you will be cast from society. That’s how life works in today’s society. Seriously, though, keep your junk

Nope! It’s remarkably uncouth, even criminal, but it’s not the same, or as bad.

There’s a time and a place to discuss the sometimes meaningful differences between various forms of sexual misconduct.

Am I the only one who thinks pulling your dick out as a joke shouldn’t be lumped in with malicious sexual assault?

I never liked that “You don’t get to decide” quote. It’s a bad quote. There are too many emotionally manipulating people that use that shit against people. There’s better ways to make the point people think that quote is making.

Yeah I don’t know how to solve the problem you’re bringing up. I fully admit that one. I just have objections to the internet dogpiling someone before they’re determined to actually have done something.

I do think we as the internet have a problem with seeing the side of the story that generates outrage and deciding it must be true. This is how I interpret Galloway. It’s always dryly amusing how many times I see a breaking story about someone who may or may not have raped a person and everyone immediately assumes it

The witch hunt is not about holding people responsible. It’s about losing every sense of pespective, context and severity of accusations. Dustin Hoffman in one picture next to guys who have been accused of rape by a multitude of women for dirty jokes and grabbing a butt 30+ years ago? Ben Affleck for grabbing a boob

Groupies for Esports: “Errmagerd dat headshot made meh hawt n de crawch!!!1!”