
I’m saying it doesn’t matter, because the same motherfuckers will ALWAYS find an “All Lives Matter”, a “Respect the Flag”, a “What about Chicago” excuse to tell black Americans to shut up.

I know this is far from an original observation, but every time a see a pic from these protests like the one in the header here, I think, “HOW THE FUCK CAN ANYONE CONSIDER KNEELING WITH YOUR HAND OVER YOUR HEART WHILE FACING THE FLAG QUIETLY A FORM OF DISRESPECT TO THE FLAG, COUNTRY, OR MILITARY?”

Americans take more offense to a Black man not standing for the anthem than they do from their own President who basically shits on veterans on a regular basis, because deep seated bigotry. Seems like it to me that Americans are the problem here, not the NFL or Jerry Jones.

It’s been the strangest thing. I was a kid during the 80s, and by the time I got my drivers license, my team had won 5 Super Bowls. NFL fan for fucking life. And when I got older, fantasy football became a not-insignificant tradition for me and my friends. The NFL had me all day Sunday, and Monday Nights were the

Fuck the NFL, fuck Jerry Jones, fuck Pence, fuck Trump, and fuck every coward trying to pretend this protest is about anything other than systemic racism.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.


I made essentially the same remark to someone the other day. It’s soooo goddamn easy to be a sociopath in 2017. They have talk shows on Fox, they are Senators and judges. One of them is our President...

Seriously, Vice has been full of racist shitbags since it started, they’re just reverting to type.

In the immortal words of Dennis Green, Vice is who we thought they are.

But, dude, what about the teachers and soldiers in Iraq?! <salutes Marine Todd, would never enlist, votes against increases in taxes for education>

Oh STFU. When you can generate billions in revenue and pack 20,000 people into an arena to watch you scrub toilets at Arby’s you’ll get to make as much a basketball player too.

What did all those generations of American soldiers die for since 1776 if not for a rigid suppression of dissent and absolute loyalty of all citizens to federal power?

He’s jealous that Kim Jong-un can get daily parades saluting him and all he gets is four dudes in a Hooters toasting a Bud Light to Make America Great Again.

To be fair, Trump is definitely an expert on businesses going to hell.

What an amazing offseason for the Cavs. After realizing they didn’t have the defensive acumen to stop the Dubs from scoring at will, they retooled this summer with NOT ONE, NOT TWO, but three defensive stoppers in Isaiah Thomas, Derrick Rose, and Dywane Wade.

Okay, I’ll bite.

What you are missing is the connection to the original problem.

The thing is, protests are symbolic actions, designed to point to a specific issue. Thus, it’s not Kaep sitting or kneel just for the helluvit, but to shine a light on police brutality and systemic oppression of POC by the criminal justice

I doubt that most Dolt 45 supporters ever used their brains much before the election. They are more like Pavlov’s famous dogs - salivate when the right sound bite is shouted, run for the food bowl. And thanks to GOP funding cuts state-by-state, willful ignorance and stupidity is now something to brag about.