
And in fact he was a lousy soldier, graduating at the bottom of his Annapolis class (which means flunking calculus and not turning in work, rather than being a rebel), getting wings he almost certainly didn’t qualify for, and dodging a well deserved grounding because he was Navy royalty. Most men don’t get a chance to

Revenue last season:

I like how you ignore Kevin Love, just like LeBron and Kyrie.

I take it you are a Cleveland Caps fan?

We know he’ll flop, but will he flip?

Seems like he’s just setting himself up for a run at the presidency.

Deferring the Pacquiao fight for several years was definitely his most shrewd financial move.

Just so you are aware, when you are going that fast on a skateboard, you can’t just “stop”. He was going 30 plus miles per hour. You can’t just step off. This doesn’t have anything to do with how smart it was for the kid to be skating. It is up to the police officer to handle it like an adult. He didn’t.

Not all of the cops who were there were not doing their jobs, but it is hard to argue that the one who stepped in front of the kid to make him fall was protecting anyone.

“These guys enjoy a hobby I don’t understand, clearly they’re losers”

Are you sure he isn’t just “thrilling” because a ton of Lakers fans are traveling to Vegas and overreacting to everything Ball does in an arena that’s dead silent the rest of the time?

We’re all watching a predator at work.

Always thighlight truthers.

Not quite, in Wade’s case, anyway. That’s more along the lines of the Lakers adding “hey, didn’t you used to be Karl Malone” in 2003.

just think how long it took the giraffe to swallow his pride!

Dear People In The Header Image,

The score was 34-31 and the 49ers had four plays inside the 10 to end the game. What in God’s name are you talking about?

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

Considering Sarah Palin normalized rank stupidity, I’d say there’s (at least) one other prominent dipshit he’s got to apologize for.