
Look at John D. Rockefeller over here bragging about his bottles.

Wine comes in a bottle?

Between his military record and unqualified professional success Popovich is approximately infinite-times more qualified than trump to be President. His humanity is just a really fucking nice bonus.

You came back after this:

This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.

I get it. Idiots hate being called idiots, and bigots just hate being called bigots. We should just shut the fuck up about it, and everything will be fine then.

I’m not expressing optimism. You may be missing my point. I’m well aware of his history. My point is that, because of that history, the election of Trump will always sting precisely because someone with that ugly history of hatred of so many groups was nonetheless selected by the American people as president, and

Trump is not the establishment, though. He’s a New York scumbag, not some well heeled blueblood (not that he didn’t have every advantage). Did you read that Garrison Keillor article basically lampooning Trump for the legitimacy he’ll never have? Edit: found it

He’s got a good point too...with all the screaming of pundits (general news, politics, sports, everywhere) why shouldn’t we expect the loudest voice to win - regardless of message.

I’ll take some of that action. They’re not gonna impeach him, not after he just pulled off the biggest populist upset since...I don’t know, the 1910's, the 1930's? That would be a massive ‘fuck you’ to their core voters. The R’s fear the Trump constituency, just like they feared the Tea Party.

They voted for him because they saw themselves in him. A small minded, petty, racist bully who wants to put black people and women back in their place.

Nah. It’s what Van Jones said. A whitelash. Maybe Bill Clinton II could’ve won. He’d have a better chance, being what we’re all used to. But nope! This is the country we are, and this is who we elected, and we have to deal with it.

So it was a pushback against the “establishment,” huh? Then can you explain to me why nearly every incumbent Congressperson running was re-elected?

Horseshit. He lost the primary. End of discussion.

They were tarred as dumb racist idiots who were voting against their interests when they voiced their displeasure.

Would it really change though? In football, the only competitive schools are the big schools with the big budgets.

Does the fact that Ben Simmons could have played somewhere else make the NCAAs rules less bullshit? Does it make his criticism any less accurate?

How can you be undecided with only six days to go....

Oh, sorry, wrong context.

The better comparison for this show is Louie, for all of its auteur-ist strokes (including casting roles against racial expectation), offbeat moments of brilliance, and disappointments.
