
Make basketball great again.

But we can totes still get some on fleek fro-yo, bro

Old man yells at cloud.

In fairness (or unfairness, really) you lost me by using the word "festy"

The idea that it degrades the experience because more games = more injuries = watching the grizzlies (a playoff team) grope for wins for months with 2 key stars out.

Passing is overrated. Use the draft to build depth on defense and at offensive line. The skilled offensive players, aside from rare once in a generation gems (Rogers, AP, Luck), are largely replaceable cogs. Look at the Broncos’ trash QB play last year and the end result.

Coincidentally the start of overt autotune too.

Overalls with straps down, Georgetown basketball or crosscolors shirt (or maybe a loud ass polyester print buttonup), with requisite flat top fade

So you don't listen to "today's rap" is what you're saying

I liked it when superman and that other dude threw eachother through every building on earth then he realized that he could just snap dude's neck. Sweet plot.

Never? The spiderman franchise was trash but they'll reboot until the end of file (digital or otherwise). People are clowns, they want cheap entertainment, here we are. But BvS integrity blah blah blah. Hyperbolic snoozefest fanboy bnahaa aohieaohieg aohieagohiage.

Gabbert is underrated. With some better talent at wide receiver the system could work.

Eh, I'm on the Charlie Whitehurst plan. Hang out on the depth chart, get money, don't take hits. Not everyone's a superstar, actually nearly all aren't.

So 12 million or 7 million? Yes, tough choice.

Millennial friendly, faux-outrage inducing clickbaity headline for hot-take article? check.

Not bitter, not really a complaint either. Most of the internet is time-killing garbage, of which I happily partake, knowing it's garbage (junk foodie if you will). Gawker is slightly more literate TMZ, which is fine. It is what it is. Sexualized? Eh, seem you have a fetish.

Single handedly, b/c the internet has occupied the other hand.

Most gawker properties are barely above click-bait, fanboy (or girl) garbage. The Concourse, a gawker also-ran is one of the better sites and hardly dripping with manly man machismo melisma yada yada.

Funny thing is dude probably didn't come of age when ATCQ was big. He's a I was born too late type.

Please. While the idea of watching someone play a video game is silly (as silly as watching adults in pads tackle each other to brain damaging effect), the word “poo” is so benign that children use it in place of other terms for fecal matter. Your shitty comment is pearl clutching of the highest order. The FCC and