
This a 3 year old comment but you literally post about "child endangerment" on every review of Shameless and it makes you look literally insane. It's a tv show, and poor kids are endangered every day. If the kids were safe it would be a garbage tv show. Chill the fuck out in the future please.

I love this show and am upset it's over, but good lord my tits ACHE every time I watch. I hope Samantha Morton has a stipend for massages and Tylenol.


HYPOTHETICALLY, if someone wanted to rewatch this glorious garbage, is it streaming anywhere?

A classic of trash TV though, he gave a bisexual teen advice on how to deal with being bisexual, just before her lesbian girlfriend becomes a stripper. CLASSIC I SAY

There are two sets of envelopes, someone gave Beatty the 2nd Best Actress one and that person has already been hanged and dumped in the bay.

My whole childhood I was on edge, waiting to discover "bubblegum, bubblegum in a dish" was about apartheid. Since that day never came I advise The Walking Dead writers to start using this one instead, right away.

but see, I had to make a comment after I spent 15 minutes trying to find out if she has tattooed eyebrows or else that's just time wasted!

I listened to Vheissu so much I annoyed everyone I knew. "Image of the Invisible" is by far the worst song on it, and "Stand and Feel Your Worth" is the best.

Unless she has her eyebrows tattooed that way and is wearing eyelash extensions, she is wearing light makeup (could be heavy makeup, I don't know how her skin really is, but definitely not NO makeup)

Both things happen, but wouldn't you say one happens exponentially more

Oops, you accused America of a British sin, your smug card is revoked

It actually has the racist connotations primarily in the UK, for whatever reason. I grew up in the southern US also but I had a British cousin who told me and my other cousins pretty explicitly what this rhyme means over there one Thanksgiving.

All the other things wrong with this aside, I think only one of them is overweight…

I wouldn't call this an overwrought thinkpiece HOWEVER can we please discuss the photo of Patricia Heaton in that article? Patricia Heaton does not look like that.

9 words that mean nothing. Nobody gives a fuck what you think of Jemima Kirke's tits. Think before you speak.

Edgy! Body-shaming is cool when you do it to thin women! What a cool and interesting person you must be!

Taking care of oneself =/= giving a shit about body image

That was my favorite episode of Girls ever I think. I'd like to watch Marnie and Desi fight some more to be honest but if he's going to talk about his sperm some more I might have to take a hit out on the actor himself.

My husband is very lucky that I remained heterosexual after I heard that line. It was very close to putting me off sperm forever.