Yeah...that's one of those things you're probably just better off not snarking over.
Yeah...that's one of those things you're probably just better off not snarking over.
People should stop being so sensitive.
"They come because when you grow up around here, sooner or later your parents will drag you to Skyline and you learn at a young age to just love it."
You know, I'm fine with this.
I am not trying to pick an argument
It's good to try hard. It's bad to make it obvious that you're trying really hard.
There's "having trouble with it" like "ok honey, I don't really understand this about you, but I'll do my best to be considerate while I figure it out". Then there's disowning and being deliberately disrespectful and cruel to your child.
Claiming that scientists rely on "faith that they are correct" is either a sign of woeful ignorance, or deliberate dishonesty on your part. It's also a line straight out of an ID propaganda piece. Just to give you a little hint, calling yourself "unbiased" while paraphrasing objectively false arguments of one side…
Unfortunately it's looking like a couple of them made their way over here. No surprise, usually any article here that draws a crowd also picks up a few bigots.
heal the rift that was likely caused by her gender identity.
Some people really just are evil, petty bastards?
That sounds like it would be a very, very, very smart thing to take care of. Fuck this bullshit.
I swear, I think if it were up to you, you'd wipe out/redact history to serve your own agenda.
I feel so bad for you - not being able to spout off about shit that you completely fail to understand without someone pointing out how absurdly wrong you are must be really hard on you.
I almost hope?
Idk, I mean I guess it's not impossible. It just seems kind of redundant, the evangelical vegan crowd is pretty good at discrediting themselves, without any extra help.
I think? And like every other fake-as-hell unverified "discovery" in health science. It's basically some magical new snake oil product every week.
Guys... I mean you can push the violence angle all you want. But uh, it most certainly is food. That's why you're hanging out in a supermarket. If it weren't food then presumably we wouldn't be eating it, and you'd have to grow up and find a real cause to support?
Part of me kind of hopes that these guys get arrested sooner or later for acting like asshats on some else's property.
I think that people across the country need to come together and drown Dr, Oz in a giant vat of acai juice or something already.