
No semen from the seamen? A travesty!

Yeah...I'm not going to pretend it isn't sometimes tasty. But fast food is tasty too. It's pretty weak garbage. Enjoy if you like, but it's definitely one of those guilty pleasures that one should not be bragging about or even acknowledging the existence of in a nice place.

I do so enjoy these...

If we're going by that logic, she ought to take a whole pile of fluff out, and keep only the scenes that are completely critical to the plot. Each book would then be about 100 pages.

Godwin meets straw man. I'm done speaking to someone who isn't even going to pretend to argue in good faith.

Well, good thing the books are still great regardless of whether

It's not a fallacy

did not make sexuality a focus in her story

Literally all she's got to say is "Yeah, I thought about it, but I didn't think I'd be able to get the books published if I had included that."

Cool. So give them their whole ten minutes of stage time. It's not as if the thousands of pages of reading didn't have time for plenty of other plot-irrelevant (and sometimes not even remotely interesting) fluff.

I can see it if I know to look for it, but it was far from unambiguous. Just a bunch of barely circumstantial evidence.

Where is she expected to stop?

Again, why wouldn't they include of group of people in the story? It wouldn't be implausible, or conflict with the plot in any way. There are quite a number of POC characters, would you care to argue that it'd be totally cool to completely whitewash Hogwarts? And should there be no female characters portrayed as

It's not ignoring anything to admit that people are more than their sexuality

Because inclusion magically equals pandering? Damn, how many heteronormativity points are you going for here?

Why would her books have to represent "reality" to you?

Damn, not just a straw hat. Straw man too.

Not sure if trolling, or just a massive fucking idiot.

Yes yes yes. Thank you thank you thank you.

I think you're correct on this one. And I don't really mind that she chose not to go for representation.