
Ok, well while Brie is amazing, Camembert has a distinctly foot-like aftertaste. As for where I got this...both semen and cheese rind has the same mildly bleachy smell/taste. If you don't notice this for whatever reason, then by all means - enjoy. But I am hardly the first person out there to notice this. A google

The gooey inside cheese part is still great!

Oh, I can agree there is a pretty wide range of possible flavors in there....


And I'm fine with that. It just means I can get someone else to eat it for me.

Shit, forgot to call Obama a Muslim (who would be working with a bunch of liberal atheists for some reason?), and demand to see his Kenyan birth certificate. Then there's the need to defend our borders from the Mexican Muslim Brotherhood, and maybe something about how everyone (except for liberals and non-white

Omg...I clicked the link. I'd never seen Scott Walker before, but you're right. I had an immediate desire to punch my screen right then. It's like they combined every single douchey bro's bro in the country and distilled off their undeserved smugness and made it into this guy.

Semen flavours up the coffee, and makes you thinks you're having a good time.

I'm not sure whether or I want to add this to your list, or chug it; but I can't imagine that this is Kitchenette sanctioned: could totally make that concept work, they just did a fucking awful job and made it look like septic runoff. The candy corn doesn't help.

"Why did he thunder to online stardom?"

Maybe not blackface...need I bring up Islamophobia though?

Well, whatever they say, you can usually count on a whole ton of blank stares...

Well yeah...I mean there was that little part where they took over most of the world and founded intercontinental slave trade in the first place and all that. Some of them really don't like when you mention that.

I find calling those types racist isn't usually all that effective. I mean, it's totally true, and it's worth saying for other reasons, but it's usually either going to go right over their heads or be adopted with pride, because they're fucking stupid assholes.

You know all those times that some people from Europe try to call out America as super racist, then pretend that their countries aren't too? Yeah fuck that.

Oh the hair...

Based on your current usage, "any person associated with feminism in any way".'s that time of the year again?

I live in CT...