
Sadly...I try to block it out sometimes.

I like how they're always trying to claim that their humor is somehow "edgy" too.

Football is a socially acceptable reason to drink too much, eat piles of greasy food, and shout rude, unintelligible bullshit at your tv.

3 shitty years in two places.

But...but...but...chemicals in nature are healthy. It's the scientists that are making us sick!!!

Keeping it classy there, food service industry...

I think the best part of this was that I wasn't even interested in an argument with them in the first place (and they then proceeded to provide me with all of my ammunition against them, free of charge).

Yeah, that's it, it's a giant conspiracy

Do straw man arguments also fall under "ridiculous and facile thinking"?

Right. Because we didn't hear about it in the news proves that it didn't happen? And you're deliberately excluding confirmed cases of tainted pet food in order to support your stance.

Well, obviously if those citizens don't want to risk eating bad food, they just need to stop being poor so they can afford to buy only the highest quality domestically produced brands.

I heard PETA was lobbying to have Snow the chicken named head inspector...

Corn Syrup versus Bee Vomit?

How many shipments to do they need to sample? Hell if I know. Just going to point out the obvious though:

Defunding government agencies and then blaming them for lack of competence when they fail is basically option 1A in the Republican playbook at this point.

On the minor off chance that you or anyone else cares at this point, I actually missed something.

...That pedantry though.

Aw...look at those adorable idiots in the greys.

I think the pirate flag is both the most derpy, and the least offensive part of the whole thing.

Changing to grey eyes? I have no opinion on this either way, her body and all that. I'll will leave any discussion on any sort of greater implications to those more qualified.