
Yeah, they're kind of dipshits. Honestly, compared to the depths of YouTube though? I have seen worse.

Hmm. It's almost like "pro lifers" are really just "pro tell-you-how-to-live-(and die, apparently)-ers".

Oh shit...that's you? Goddamn that costume had me thinking you were some deranged tween yesterday.

I'm not saying pot, edible or otherwise is a remotely good idea for kids. It's just when you're comparing something to eating razor blades, it can still be fairly bad while being a fuckload better.

Well that's super douchey.

I honestly thought he'd been out for a while...

Only if the tiny island you're sending him to will also accept a few of my HS classmates who I keep around on Facebook exclusively to laugh at for being like every single Ayn Rand worshiping, MRA, excessively angry atheist stereotype out there. Oh, and they're straight white dudes from upper middle class backgrounds

Like everywhere, there are certainly plenty of dumb fluff articles, but they're still easily smarter than 95% of the internet.

...I don't?

Um...not that I have a child, but I think I'd prefer about 1000000x times more for them to eat some pot chocolate and get kind of stoned, rather than having them bite into a razor blade.

You should go fuck yourself, you sad pathetic excuse for a troll. Really letting your standards slip, huh?

I'd imagine, that fucking blows. You have my sympathy, though he doesn't so much.

That edit though...

How did I know alcohol would be involved...?

I hope she doesn't have gas...

Well uh, I'm a guy around 6'2. And I assure you that I don't have a secret. I could probably get a guy that size off the floor for a few seconds, but if I tried to imitate this video I would definitely hurt myself.

I have no fucking clue what I'm looking at, but I'm pretty sure that it is disturbing as all fuck.

If by some chance I end up with a dude way bigger than me, like 6'6, 350 lbs, I'm totally carrying him over the threshold.

That's pretty much the defining theme for how we got all this wonderful land.

I may have also.