Oh shit, we need to stop giving them ideas...
Oh shit, we need to stop giving them ideas...
I'm sorry, you're mad that I wasn't nice enough to you when you said something so dumb that you had to be putting effort into it?
Yeah, under those conditions it probably wouldn't be too bad, I'd run that place.
Oh shit, you got me. Wait, what race are the overwhelming majority of the team owners? You know...the people that are either making, or approving every single major decision related to the team image.
If they're actually consulting with the people that they claim to represent, and going out of their way to listen to those recommendations and steer away from what they're told is offensive, then they're doing considerably better for themselves.
Only to assholes. Sadly, there are plenty of them still around.
No, that's totally alright.
Using Native American people as a token mascot is totally racist, full stop.
Yeah, on it's own...I don't think it's homophobic. It's simply a convenient example of someone making unwelcome sexual advances toward someone else, and how that uncomfortable (or even frightening) that can be.
Well, I guess when you already have a racist mascot, rape jokes are one of the few avenues left to you to make things even more offensive.
I see your point, but I assure you, I would far, far sooner consider giving women another try before it came to that.
Yeah, I'm not anti-homeschooling. It's just that homeschooling is only as good as the parents performing it (Not to say that public schools are great everywhere, but you usually have some idea of what you're working with at least).
You don't even appear to know what radical feminism is...
They also forget that a critical part of art is that it is both open to criticism, and can be interpreted in wildly differing ways by different people.
They're like the Westboro Baptist Church. If you act like the biggest asshole troll imaginable, then of course whatever small amount of credibility your side might have possessed will go straight out the window. No reasonable person will want to associate with, or be associated with you, to that point that some…
Aw...you're sad you can't control what other people say about your precious games?
You have every right to say it without the government knocking on your door
There is a reason I don't go there frequently.