MRA's don't even require effort to discredit, much less generations of it. They're quite skilled at doing that to themselves.
MRA's don't even require effort to discredit, much less generations of it. They're quite skilled at doing that to themselves.
Exactly when are we going to let people be who they are?
Yes, yes the vast majority of humans do.
Nobody is begging for anyone to kiss their asses
Aw...the poor little child isn't able to understand a complex topic like "criticism"?
That's the thing with Sarkeesian (or anyone at all commenting on...anything). You totally can disagree with them!
Seriously...I play a fair amount of games, I'm usually reasonably informed about what's going on with them.
It's not the alcohol that got you, it's the sugar. It will dehydrate you just as badly as the alcohol, but you don't feel it the same way, so you don't bother accounting for it.
I try to look at Fireball as the Gateway Whiskey.
NyQuil actually has the same secret ingredient in it...
Max legal concentration in food items is 1g/Kg. So ok, at that concentration you could, in theory totally receive a toxic amount... Assuming that you were able to consume about 20-30 Kgs of the stuff in less than one hour. Also assuming that you were stupid enough to try to eat something like 30% the mass of an…
It's actually not used as a sweetener. Ethylene Glycol (the super toxic one) is very sweet, Propylene Glycol on the other hand is only very slightly sweet, nearly tasteless even.
Pretty sure it's known to cause lung irritation when inhaled too. Which still puts it several orders of magnitude below the the fumes off of a conventional cigarette, but yeah...
I don't recommend inhaling it in its liquid form.
This seems like a good time to panic about the cyanide content of Amaretto.
It's a super common additive in cough syrup too. Of course, the active ingredients in cough syrup are far, far more deadly than PG. The acetaminophen alone kills something like 1000 people a year in the US (but why is no one panicking over Tylenol?). And while dextromethophan isn't especially dangerous unless you…
But...but...but...UBERTROUT STARTED IT!!!!!!
Ok, now I'm a massive lover of the clove, so the "spice" part of pumpkin spice is something that I quite enjoy.
Just to be a total pedant, the human body actually does metabolize it, using pathways similar to be both glucose and ethanol (aka no big deal whatsoever). It does produce an aldehyde that is kind of not great for you, but you'd need to consume a pretty huge amount of the stuff for that to have any real effect…