
Can we start the dihydrogen monoxide thing up again? It was so fucking funny the first time. And let's be honest here, most of the dipshits who fell for it have probably forgotten how badly they got trolled by now.

In all seriousness, it *probably* wouldn't be all that bad. You wouldn't need to worry about it freezing (assuming that you don't live in arctic conditions), I'd be more worried about the alcohol evaporating. Or the sugar forming crystals in your radiator.

Yeah...this pretty much sums up how dumb people are.

...The federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr, and the state with the highest minimum is Washington, with $9.32/hr. DC is $9.50/hr.

Omg, please give me your catering trash cans to take out.

I might have to borrow this one. 1000 stars to you.

Yeah it's weird. All those super successful corporations out there that aren't run by souless assholes, and actually do treat their workers fairly and pay them well... Well, they're still out there, not only staying open, but making money. Oh, and they have lower turnover and therefore end up with more experienced

How do they move up? "BOOTSTRAPS!!!"

But, but...if we stop giving all the power to rich, straight, white, Christian dudes, how will we keep the women and the gays and the blacks, and the Jews, and the scary Muslims, and the dirty foreigners in their places?

There's nothing wrong about civility and reasoned discussion.

Hmm, so you mean that it's almost like it's not really even about the degree of corruption by any sort of objective metric. It's almost more like it's the thought of poor people getting away with it that really drives people nuts. This goes triple if they aren't white.

I wonder what the amazing point of all of this is...

I know I should probably charge more. I haven't been doing it for very long though, so I'm kind of scared that people won't pay that much just yet.

They're an imperfect system created by imperfect humans, subject to the same sort of abuses of power as any other system that puts people into positions of authority over others?

Different person, but thoroughly enjoyable none the less.

You might need to find a new shining example of libertarianism in action, Denmark is pretty socialist.

In totally unrelated news, have you ever had someone call you out for "trying to get the last word", and how that apparently made you horribly immature...when they themselves just stepped in to get the last word (and transparently bait you into continuing a conversation that you both know was utterly unproductive)

I'll tell you what man, when the Libertarians I run into start advocating for reasonable changes that stand a chance in hell of actually improving things for people, versus the stuff I see that always disproportionately benefits the rich and screws over anyone belonging to a non-majority group, I'll start taking them

...You'd need to actually say something in order for me to ignore it.

If you've going to cherry pick a single line from my post and ignore everything else I said, I'm just going to make fun of you.